Main routine
subroutine k_slice
!! Main routine
use w90_comms
use w90_constants, only: dp, twopi, eps8
use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, seedname, &
io_time, io_stopwatch, stdout
use w90_utility, only: utility_diagonalize, utility_recip_lattice
use w90_postw90_common, only: pw90common_fourier_R_to_k
use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, kslice, kslice_task, kslice_2dkmesh, &
kslice_corner, kslice_b1, kslice_b2, &
kslice_fermi_lines_colour, recip_lattice, &
nfermi, fermi_energy_list, berry_curv_unit, kubo_adpt_smr
use w90_get_oper, only: get_HH_R, HH_R, get_AA_R, get_BB_R, get_CC_R, &
get_SS_R, get_SHC_R
use w90_wan_ham, only: wham_get_eig_deleig
use w90_spin, only: spin_get_nk
use w90_berry, only: berry_get_imf_klist, berry_get_imfgh_klist, berry_get_shc_klist
use w90_constants, only: bohr
integer, dimension(0:num_nodes - 1) :: counts, displs
integer :: iloc, itot, i1, i2, n, n1, n2, n3, i, nkpts, my_nkpts
integer :: scriptunit, dataunit, loop_kpt
real(kind=dp) :: avec_2d(3, 3), avec_3d(3, 3), bvec(3, 3), yvec(3), zvec(3), &
b1mod, b2mod, ymod, cosb1b2, kcorner_cart(3), &
areab1b2, cosyb2, kpt(3), kpt_x, kpt_y, k1, k2, &
imf_k_list(3, 3, nfermi), img_k_list(3, 3, nfermi), &
imh_k_list(3, 3, nfermi), Morb_k(3, 3), curv(3), morb(3), &
spn_k(num_wann), del_eig(num_wann, 3), Delta_k, Delta_E, &
zhat(3), vdum(3), rdum, shc_k_fermi(nfermi)
logical :: plot_fermi_lines, plot_curv, plot_morb, &
fermi_lines_color, heatmap, plot_shc
character(len=120) :: filename, square
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: HH(:, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: delHH(:, :, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: UU(:, :)
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: eig(:)
! Output data buffers
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: coords(:, :), my_coords(:, :), &
spndata(:, :), my_spndata(:, :), &
bandsdata(:, :), my_bandsdata(:, :), &
zdata(:, :), my_zdata(:, :)
logical, allocatable :: spnmask(:, :), my_spnmask(:, :)
plot_fermi_lines = index(kslice_task, 'fermi_lines') > 0
plot_curv = index(kslice_task, 'curv') > 0
plot_morb = index(kslice_task, 'morb') > 0
plot_shc = index(kslice_task, 'shc') > 0
fermi_lines_color = kslice_fermi_lines_colour /= 'none'
heatmap = plot_curv .or. plot_morb .or. plot_shc
if (plot_fermi_lines .and. fermi_lines_color .and. heatmap) then
call io_error('Error: spin-colored Fermi lines not allowed in ' &
//'curv/morb/shc heatmap plots')
end if
if (plot_shc) then
if (kubo_adpt_smr) then
call io_error('Error: Must use fixed smearing when plotting ' &
//'spin Hall conductivity')
end if
if (nfermi == 0) then
call io_error('Error: must specify Fermi energy')
else if (nfermi /= 1) then
call io_error('Error: kpath plot only accept one Fermi energy, ' &
//'use fermi_energy instead of fermi_energy_min')
end if
end if
if (on_root) then
call kslice_print_info(plot_fermi_lines, fermi_lines_color, &
plot_curv, plot_morb, plot_shc)
end if
call get_HH_R
if (plot_curv .or. plot_morb) call get_AA_R
if (plot_morb) then
call get_BB_R
call get_CC_R
if (plot_shc) then
call get_AA_R
call get_SS_R
call get_SHC_R
end if
if (fermi_lines_color) call get_SS_R
! Set Cartesian components of the vectors (b1,b2) spanning the slice
bvec(1, :) = matmul(kslice_b1(:), recip_lattice(:, :))
bvec(2, :) = matmul(kslice_b2(:), recip_lattice(:, :))
! z_vec (orthogonal to the slice)
zvec(1) = bvec(1, 2)*bvec(2, 3) - bvec(1, 3)*bvec(2, 2)
zvec(2) = bvec(1, 3)*bvec(2, 1) - bvec(1, 1)*bvec(2, 3)
zvec(3) = bvec(1, 1)*bvec(2, 2) - bvec(1, 2)*bvec(2, 1)
! y_vec (orthogonal to b1=x_vec)
yvec(1) = zvec(2)*bvec(1, 3) - zvec(3)*bvec(1, 2)
yvec(2) = zvec(3)*bvec(1, 1) - zvec(1)*bvec(1, 3)
yvec(3) = zvec(1)*bvec(1, 2) - zvec(2)*bvec(1, 1)
! Area (modulus b1 x b2 = z_vec)
areab1b2 = sqrt(zvec(1)**2 + zvec(2)**2 + zvec(3)**2)
if (areab1b2 < eps8) call io_error( &
'Error in kslice: Vectors kslice_b1 and kslice_b2 ' &
//'not linearly independent')
! This is the unit vector zvec/|zvec| which completes the triad
! in the 2D case
bvec(3, :) = zvec(:)/areab1b2
! Now that we have bvec(3,:), we can compute the dual vectors
! avec_2d as in the 3D case
call utility_recip_lattice(bvec, avec_2d, rdum)
! Moduli b1,b2,y_vec
b1mod = sqrt(bvec(1, 1)**2 + bvec(1, 2)**2 + bvec(1, 3)**2)
b2mod = sqrt(bvec(2, 1)**2 + bvec(2, 2)**2 + bvec(2, 3)**2)
ymod = sqrt(yvec(1)**2 + yvec(2)**2 + yvec(3)**2)
! Cosine of the angle between y_vec and b2
cosyb2 = yvec(1)*bvec(2, 1) + yvec(2)*bvec(2, 2) + yvec(3)*bvec(2, 3)
cosyb2 = cosyb2/(ymod*b2mod)
! Cosine of the angle between b1=x_vec and b2
cosb1b2 = bvec(1, 1)*bvec(2, 1) + bvec(1, 2)*bvec(2, 2) + bvec(1, 3)*bvec(2, 3)
cosb1b2 = cosb1b2/(b1mod*b2mod)
if (abs(cosb1b2) < eps8 .and. abs(b1mod - b2mod) < eps8) then
square = 'True'
square = 'False'
end if
nkpts = (kslice_2dkmesh(1) + 1)*(kslice_2dkmesh(2) + 1)
! Partition set of k-points into junks
call comms_array_split(nkpts, counts, displs);
my_nkpts = counts(my_node_id)
allocate (my_coords(2, my_nkpts))
if (heatmap) allocate (my_zdata(3, my_nkpts))
if (plot_fermi_lines) then
allocate (HH(num_wann, num_wann))
allocate (UU(num_wann, num_wann))
allocate (eig(num_wann))
if (fermi_lines_color) then
allocate (delHH(num_wann, num_wann, 3))
allocate (my_spndata(num_wann, my_nkpts))
allocate (my_spnmask(num_wann, my_nkpts))
my_spnmask = .false.
allocate (my_bandsdata(num_wann, my_nkpts))
! Loop over local portion of uniform mesh of k-points covering the slice,
! including all four borders
do iloc = 1, my_nkpts
itot = iloc - 1 + displs(my_node_id)
i2 = itot/(kslice_2dkmesh(1) + 1) ! slow
i1 = itot - i2*(kslice_2dkmesh(1) + 1) !fast
! k1 and k2 are the coefficients of the k-point in the basis
! (kslice_b1,kslice_b2)
k1 = i1/real(kslice_2dkmesh(1), dp)
k2 = i2/real(kslice_2dkmesh(2), dp)
kpt = kslice_corner + k1*kslice_b1 + k2*kslice_b2
! Add to (k1,k2) the projection of kslice_corner on the
! (kslice_b1,kslice_b2) plane, expressed as a linear
! combination of kslice_b1 and kslice_b2
kcorner_cart(:) = matmul(kslice_corner(:), recip_lattice(:, :))
k1 = k1 + dot_product(kcorner_cart, avec_2d(1, :))/twopi
k2 = k2 + dot_product(kcorner_cart, avec_2d(2, :))/twopi
! Convert to (kpt_x,kpt_y), the 2D Cartesian coordinates
! with x along x_vec=b1 and y along y_vec
kpt_x = k1*b1mod + k2*b2mod*cosb1b2
kpt_y = k2*b2mod*cosyb2
my_coords(:, iloc) = [kpt_x, kpt_y]
if (plot_fermi_lines) then
if (fermi_lines_color) then
call spin_get_nk(kpt, spn_k)
do n = 1, num_wann
if (spn_k(n) > 1.0_dp - eps8) then
spn_k(n) = 1.0_dp - eps8
elseif (spn_k(n) < -1.0_dp + eps8) then
spn_k(n) = -1.0_dp + eps8
call wham_get_eig_deleig(kpt, eig, del_eig, HH, delHH, UU)
Delta_k = max(b1mod/kslice_2dkmesh(1), b2mod/kslice_2dkmesh(2))
call pw90common_fourier_R_to_k(kpt, HH_R, HH, 0)
call utility_diagonalize(HH, num_wann, eig, UU)
if (allocated(my_bandsdata)) then
my_bandsdata(:, iloc) = eig(:)
my_spndata(:, iloc) = spn_k(:)
do n = 1, num_wann
! vdum = dE/dk projected on the k-slice
zhat = zvec/sqrt(dot_product(zvec, zvec))
vdum(:) = del_eig(n, :) - dot_product(del_eig(n, :), zhat)*zhat(:)
Delta_E = sqrt(dot_product(vdum, vdum))*Delta_k
! Delta_E=Delta_E*sqrt(2.0_dp) ! optimize this factor
my_spnmask(n, iloc) = abs(eig(n) - fermi_energy_list(1)) < Delta_E
end do
end if
end if
if (plot_curv) then
call berry_get_imf_klist(kpt, imf_k_list)
curv(1) = sum(imf_k_list(:, 1, 1))
curv(2) = sum(imf_k_list(:, 2, 1))
curv(3) = sum(imf_k_list(:, 3, 1))
if (berry_curv_unit == 'bohr2') curv = curv/bohr**2
! Print _minus_ the Berry curvature
my_zdata(:, iloc) = -curv(:)
else if (plot_morb) then
call berry_get_imfgh_klist(kpt, imf_k_list, img_k_list, imh_k_list)
Morb_k = img_k_list(:, :, 1) + imh_k_list(:, :, 1) &
- 2.0_dp*fermi_energy_list(1)*imf_k_list(:, :, 1)
Morb_k = -Morb_k/2.0_dp ! differs by -1/2 from Eq.97 LVTS12
morb(1) = sum(Morb_k(:, 1))
morb(2) = sum(Morb_k(:, 2))
morb(3) = sum(Morb_k(:, 3))
my_zdata(:, iloc) = morb(:)
else if (plot_shc) then
call berry_get_shc_klist(kpt, shc_k_fermi=shc_k_fermi)
my_zdata(1, iloc) = shc_k_fermi(1)
end if
end do !iloc
! Send results to root process
if (on_root) then
allocate (coords(2, nkpts))
allocate (coords(1, 1))
end if
call comms_gatherv(my_coords, 2*my_nkpts, &
coords, 2*counts, 2*displs)
if (allocated(my_spndata)) then
if (on_root) then
allocate (spndata(num_wann, nkpts))
allocate (spndata(1, 1))
end if
call comms_gatherv(my_spndata, num_wann*my_nkpts, &
spndata, num_wann*counts, num_wann*displs)
end if
if (allocated(my_spnmask)) then
if (on_root) then
allocate (spnmask(num_wann, nkpts))
allocate (spnmask(1, 1))
end if
call comms_gatherv(my_spnmask(1, 1), num_wann*my_nkpts, &
spnmask(1, 1), num_wann*counts, num_wann*displs)
end if
if (allocated(my_bandsdata)) then
if (on_root) then
allocate (bandsdata(num_wann, nkpts))
allocate (bandsdata(1, 1))
end if
call comms_gatherv(my_bandsdata, num_wann*my_nkpts, &
bandsdata, num_wann*counts, num_wann*displs)
end if
! This holds either -curv or morb
if (allocated(my_zdata)) then
if (on_root) then
allocate (zdata(3, nkpts))
allocate (zdata(1, 1))
end if
call comms_gatherv(my_zdata, 3*my_nkpts, &
zdata, 3*counts, 3*displs)
end if
! Write output files
if (on_root) then
! set kpt_x and kpt_y to last evaluated point
kpt_x = coords(1, nkpts)
kpt_y = coords(2, nkpts)
write (stdout, '(/,/,1x,a)') 'Output files:'
if (.not. fermi_lines_color) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-coord.dat'
call write_data_file(filename, '(2E16.8)', coords)
end if
if (allocated(bandsdata)) then
! For python
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-bands.dat'
call write_data_file(filename, '(E16.8)', &
reshape(bandsdata, [1, nkpts*num_wann]))
! For gnuplot, using 'grid data' format
if (.not. heatmap) then
do n = 1, num_wann
n1 = n/100
n2 = (n - n1*100)/10
n3 = n - n1*100 - n2*10
filename = trim(seedname)//'-bnd_' &
//achar(48 + n1)//achar(48 + n2)//achar(48 + n3)//'.dat'
call write_coords_file(filename, '(3E16.8)', coords, &
reshape(bandsdata(n, :), [1, 1, nkpts]), &
blocklen=kslice_2dkmesh(1) + 1)
end if
if (allocated(spndata)) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-fermi-spn.dat'
call write_coords_file(filename, '(3E16.8)', coords, &
reshape(spndata, [1, num_wann, nkpts]), &
end if
if (allocated(my_zdata)) then
if (plot_curv .or. plot_morb .or. plot_shc) then
dataunit = io_file_unit()
if (plot_morb) then ! ugly. But to keep the logic the same as other places
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-morb.dat'
elseif (plot_curv) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-curv.dat'
elseif (plot_shc) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-shc.dat'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (dataunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
if (plot_shc) then
if (berry_curv_unit == 'bohr2') zdata = zdata/bohr**2
do loop_kpt = 1, nkpts
write (dataunit, '(1E16.8)') zdata(1, loop_kpt)
end do
do loop_kpt = 1, nkpts
write (dataunit, '(4E16.8)') zdata(:, loop_kpt)
end do
end if
write (dataunit, *) ' '
close (dataunit)
end if
if (plot_fermi_lines .and. .not. fermi_lines_color .and. .not. heatmap) then
! gnuplot script for black Fermi lines
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-fermi_lines.gnu'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset surface"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set contour"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set view map"
write (scriptunit, '(a,f9.5)') "set cntrparam levels discrete ", &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set cntrparam bspline"
do n = 1, num_wann
n1 = n/100
n2 = (n - n1*100)/10
n3 = n - n1*100 - n2*10
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set table 'bnd_" &
//achar(48 + n1)//achar(48 + n2)//achar(48 + n3)//".dat'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "splot '"//trim(seedname)//"-bnd_" &
//achar(48 + n1)//achar(48 + n2)//achar(48 + n3)//".dat'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset table"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"#Uncomment next two lines to create postscript"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#set term post eps enh"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"#set output '"//trim(seedname)//"-kslice-fermi_lines.eps'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set size ratio -1"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset tics"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset key"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"#For postscript try changing lw 1 --> lw 2 in the next line"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1"
if (num_wann == 1) then
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"plot 'bnd_001.dat' using 1:2 w lines ls 1"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"plot 'bnd_001.dat' using 1:2 w lines ls 1,"//achar(92)
do n = 2, num_wann - 1
n1 = n/100
n2 = (n - n1*100)/10
n3 = n - n1*100 - n2*10
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " 'bnd_" &
//achar(48 + n1)//achar(48 + n2)//achar(48 + n3) &
//".dat' using 1:2 w lines ls 1,"//achar(92)
n = num_wann
n1 = n/100
n2 = (n - n1*100)/10
n3 = n - n1*100 - n2*10
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " 'bnd_" &
//achar(48 + n1)//achar(48 + n2)//achar(48 + n3) &
//".dat' using 1:2 w lines ls 1"
close (scriptunit)
! Python script for black Fermi lines
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
filename = trim(seedname)//''
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
call script_common(scriptunit, areab1b2, square)
call script_fermi_lines(scriptunit)
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "# Remove the axes"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax = pl.gca()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "pl.axes().set_aspect('equal')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "outfile = '"//trim(seedname)// &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "pl.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ""
close (scriptunit)
endif !plot_fermi_lines .and. .not.fermi_lines_color .and. .not.heatmap
if (plot_fermi_lines .and. fermi_lines_color .and. .not. heatmap) then
! gnuplot script for spin-colored Fermi lines
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-fermi_lines.gnu'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset key"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "unset tics"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set cbtics"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"set palette defined (-1 'blue', 0 'green', 1 'red')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set pm3d map"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set zrange [-1:1]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "set size ratio -1"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"#Uncomment next two lines to create postscript"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#set term post eps enh"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#set output '" &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "splot '" &
//trim(seedname)//"-kslice-fermi-spn.dat' with dots palette"
! python script for spin-colored Fermi lines
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
filename = trim(seedname)//''
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "import pylab as pl"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "import numpy as np"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "data = np.loadtxt('"//trim(seedname)// &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "x=data[:,0]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "y=data[:,1]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "z=data[:,2]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a)') &
"pl.plot([0,", kpt_x, "],[0,0],color='black',linestyle='-'," &
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a,F12.6,a,F12.6,a)') &
"pl.plot([", kpt_x, ",", kpt_x, "],[0,", kpt_y, "],color='black'," &
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a,F12.6,a,F12.6,a)') &
"pl.plot([0,", kpt_x, "],[", kpt_y, ",", kpt_y, &
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a)') "pl.plot([0,0],[0,", kpt_y, &
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a)') "pl.xlim([0,", kpt_x, "])"
write (scriptunit, '(a,F12.6,a)') "pl.ylim([0,", kpt_y, "])"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar=pl.colorbar()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax = pl.gca()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "pl.savefig('"//trim(seedname)// &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ""
close (scriptunit)
endif ! plot_fermi_lines .and. fermi_lines_color .and. .not.heatmap
if (heatmap .and. (.not. plot_shc)) then
! python script for curvature/Morb/SHC heatmaps [+ black Fermi lines]
do i = 1, 3
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
if (plot_curv .and. .not. plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-curv_'//achar(119 + i)//'.py'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
elseif (plot_curv .and. plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-curv_'//achar(119 + i)// &
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
elseif (plot_morb .and. .not. plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-morb_'//achar(119 + i)//'.py'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
elseif (plot_morb .and. plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-morb_'//achar(119 + i)// &
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
call script_common(scriptunit, areab1b2, square)
if (plot_fermi_lines) call script_fermi_lines(scriptunit)
if (plot_curv) then
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "outfile = '"//trim(seedname)// &
"-kslice-curv_"//achar(119 + i)//".pdf'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"val = np.loadtxt('"//trim(seedname)// &
"-kslice-curv.dat', usecols=("//achar(47 + i)//",))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"val_log=np.array([np.log10(abs(elem))*np.sign(elem) &
&if abs(elem)>10 else elem/10.0 for elem in val])"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "if square: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " Z=val_log.reshape(dimy,dimx)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mn=int(np.floor(Z.min()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mx=int(np.ceil(Z.max()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticks=range(mn,mx+1)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.contourf(x_coord,y_coord,Z," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " #pl.imshow(Z,origin='lower'," &
//"extent=(min(x_coord),max(x_coord),min(y_coord)," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "else: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " valint = ml.griddata(points_x," &
//"points_y, val_log, xint, yint)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mn=int(np.floor(valint.min()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mx=int(np.ceil(valint.max()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticks=range(mn,mx+1)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.contourf(xint,yint,valint,ticks)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " #pl.imshow(valint,origin='lower'," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ticklabels=[]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "for n in ticks:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " if n<0: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
" ticklabels.append('-$10^{%d}$' % abs(n))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " elif n==0:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticklabels.append(' $%d$' % n)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " else:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticklabels.append(' $10^{%d}$' % n)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar=pl.colorbar()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar.set_ticks(ticks)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels)"
elseif (plot_morb) then
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "outfile = '"//trim(seedname)// &
"-kslice-morb_"//achar(119 + i)//".pdf'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') &
"val = np.loadtxt('"//trim(seedname)// &
"-kslice-morb.dat', usecols=("//achar(47 + i)//",))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "if square: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " Z=val.reshape(dimy,dimx)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.imshow(Z,origin='lower'," &
//"extent=(min(x_coord),max(x_coord),min(y_coord)," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "else: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " valint = ml.griddata(points_x," &
//"points_y, val, xint, yint)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.imshow(valint,origin='lower'," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar=pl.colorbar()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax = pl.gca()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "pl.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ""
close (scriptunit)
enddo !i
endif !heatmap
if (heatmap .and. plot_shc) then
scriptunit = io_file_unit()
if (.not. plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-shc'//'.py'
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
elseif (plot_fermi_lines) then
filename = trim(seedname)//'-kslice-shc'//''
write (stdout, '(/,3x,a)') filename
open (scriptunit, file=filename, form='formatted')
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "# uncomment these two lines if you are " &
//"running in non-GUI environment"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#import matplotlib"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#matplotlib.use('Agg')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
call script_common(scriptunit, areab1b2, square)
if (plot_fermi_lines) call script_fermi_lines(scriptunit)
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "def shiftedColorMap(cmap, start=0, " &
//"midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0, name='shiftedcmap'):"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " '''"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' Function to offset the "center" ' &
//'of a colormap. Useful for'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' data with a negative min and ' &
//'positive max and you want the'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " middle of the colormap's dynamic " &
//"range to be at zero."
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' '
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' Input'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' -----'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' cmap : The matplotlib colormap to ' &
//'be altered'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " start : Offset from lowest point in " &
//"the colormap's range."
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' Defaults to 0.0 (no lower offset). ' &
//'Should be between'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' 0.0 and `midpoint`.'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' midpoint : The new center of the ' &
//'colormap. Defaults to '
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' 0.5 (no shift). Should be between ' &
//'0.0 and 1.0. In'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' general, this should be 1 - ' &
//'vmax / (vmax + abs(vmin))'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' For example if your data range from ' &
//'-15.0 to +5.0 and'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' you want the center of the colormap ' &
//'at 0.0, `midpoint`'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' should be set to 1 - 5/(5 + 15)) ' &
//'or 0.75'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " stop : Offset from highest point in " &
//"the colormap's range."
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' Defaults to 1.0 (no upper offset). ' &
//'Should be between'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' `midpoint` and 1.0.'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " '''"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " cdict = {'red': [],'green': []," &
//"'blue': [],'alpha': []}"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' # regular index to compute the colors'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' # shifted index to match the data'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' shift_index = np.hstack(['
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, ' &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, ' &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' ])'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " cdict['red'].append((si, r, r))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " cdict['green'].append((si, g, g))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " cdict['blue'].append((si, b, b))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " cdict['alpha'].append((si, a, a))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' newcmap = matplotlib.colors' &
//'.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' plt.register_cmap(cmap=newcmap)'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ' return newcmap'
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "outfile = '"//trim(seedname)//"-kslice-shc.pdf'"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "val = np.loadtxt('"//trim(seedname) &
//"-kslice-shc.dat', usecols=(0,))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "val_log=np.array([np.log10(abs(elem))*np.sign(elem)" &
//"if abs(elem)>10 else elem/10.0 for elem in val])"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#val_log = val"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "valmax=max(val_log)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "valmin=min(val_log)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#cmnew=shiftedColorMap(," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "if square: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " Z=val_log.reshape(dimy,dimx)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mn=int(np.floor(Z.min()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mx=int(np.ceil(Z.max()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticks=range(mn,mx+1)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " #pl.contourf(x_coord,y_coord,Z," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.imshow(Z,origin='lower'," &
//"extent=(min(x_coord),max(x_coord),min(y_coord)," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "else: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xint,yint)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " valint = interpolate.griddata((points_x," &
//"points_y), val_log, (grid_x,grid_y), method='nearest')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mn=int(np.floor(valint.min()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " mx=int(np.ceil(valint.max()))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticks=range(mn,mx+1)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " #pl.contourf(xint,yint,valint,ticks)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " pl.imshow(valint,origin='lower'," &
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ticklabels=[]"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "for n in ticks:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " if n<0: "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticklabels.append('-$10^{%d}$' % abs(n))"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " elif n==0:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticklabels.append(' $%d$' % n)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " else:"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " ticklabels.append(' $10^{%d}$' % n)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "cbar=pl.colorbar()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#cbar.set_ticks(ticks)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "#cbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax = pl.gca()"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') " "
write (scriptunit, '(a)') "pl.savefig(outfile,bbox_inches='tight')"
write (scriptunit, '(a)') ""
end if
write (stdout, *) ' '
end if ! on_root
end subroutine k_slice