S_i are the Pauli matrices and n=(n_x,n_y,n_z) is the unit vector along the chosen spin quantization axis
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in) | :: | kpt(3) | |||
real(kind=dp), | intent(out) | :: | spn_nk(num_wann) |
subroutine spin_get_nk(kpt, spn_nk)
! !
!! Computes <psi_{mk}^(H)|S.n|psi_{mk}^(H)> (m=1,...,num_wann)
!! where S.n = n_x.S_x + n_y.S_y + n_z.Z_z
!! S_i are the Pauli matrices and n=(n_x,n_y,n_z) is the unit
!! vector along the chosen spin quantization axis
! !
!============================================================ !
use w90_constants, only: dp, pi, cmplx_0, cmplx_i
use w90_io, only: io_error
use w90_utility, only: utility_diagonalize, utility_rotate_diag
use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, spin_axis_polar, &
use w90_postw90_common, only: pw90common_fourier_R_to_k
use w90_get_oper, only: HH_R, SS_R
! Arguments
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: kpt(3)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: spn_nk(num_wann)
! Physics
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: HH(:, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: UU(:, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: SS(:, :, :), SS_n(:, :)
! Misc/Dummy
integer :: is
real(kind=dp) :: eig(num_wann), alpha(3), conv
allocate (HH(num_wann, num_wann))
allocate (UU(num_wann, num_wann))
allocate (SS(num_wann, num_wann, 3))
allocate (SS_n(num_wann, num_wann))
call pw90common_fourier_R_to_k(kpt, HH_R, HH, 0)
call utility_diagonalize(HH, num_wann, eig, UU)
do is = 1, 3
call pw90common_fourier_R_to_k(kpt, SS_R(:, :, :, is), SS(:, :, is), 0)
! Unit vector along the magnetization direction
conv = 180.0_dp/pi
alpha(1) = sin(spin_axis_polar/conv)*cos(spin_axis_azimuth/conv)
alpha(2) = sin(spin_axis_polar/conv)*sin(spin_axis_azimuth/conv)
alpha(3) = cos(spin_axis_polar/conv)
! Vector of spin matrices projected along the quantization axis
SS_n(:, :) = alpha(1)*SS(:, :, 1) + alpha(2)*SS(:, :, 2) + alpha(3)*SS(:, :, 3)
spn_nk(:) = real(utility_rotate_diag(SS_n, UU, num_wann), dp)
end subroutine spin_get_nk