Compute D^H_a=UU^dag.del_a UU (a=x,y,z) using Eq.(24) of WYSV06
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
complex(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :) | :: | delHH | ||
complex(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :) | :: | UU | ||
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | eig | ||
complex(kind=dp), | intent(out), | dimension(:, :, :) | :: | D_h |
subroutine wham_get_D_h(delHH, UU, eig, D_h)
! !
!! Compute D^H_a=UU^dag.del_a UU (a=x,y,z)
!! using Eq.(24) of WYSV06
! !
! TO DO: Implement version where energy denominators only connect
! occupied and empty states. In this case probably do not need
! to worry about avoiding small energy denominators
use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0
use w90_parameters, only: num_wann
use w90_utility, only: utility_rotate
! Arguments
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: delHH
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: UU
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: eig
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: D_h
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: delHH_bar_i(:, :)
integer :: n, m, i
allocate (delHH_bar_i(num_wann, num_wann))
D_h = cmplx_0
do i = 1, 3
delHH_bar_i(:, :) = utility_rotate(delHH(:, :, i), UU, num_wann)
do m = 1, num_wann
do n = 1, num_wann
if (n == m .or. abs(eig(m) - eig(n)) < 1.0e-7_dp) cycle
D_h(n, m, i) = delHH_bar_i(n, m)/(eig(m) - eig(n))
end do
end do
end subroutine wham_get_D_h