Main plotting routine
subroutine plot_main()
!! Main plotting routine
use w90_constants, only: eps6
use w90_io, only: stdout, io_stopwatch
use w90_parameters, only: num_kpts, bands_plot, dos_plot, &
kpt_latt, fermi_surface_plot, &
wannier_plot, timing_level, write_bvec, &
write_hr, write_rmn, write_tb, write_u_matrices
use w90_hamiltonian, only: hamiltonian_get_hr, hamiltonian_write_hr, &
hamiltonian_setup, hamiltonian_write_rmn, &
hamiltonian_write_tb, nrpts, irvec
use w90_ws_distance, only: done_ws_distance, ws_translate_dist, &
implicit none
integer :: nkp
logical :: have_gamma
if (timing_level > 0) call io_stopwatch('plot: main', 1)
! Print the header only if there is something to plot
if (bands_plot .or. dos_plot .or. fermi_surface_plot .or. write_hr .or. &
wannier_plot .or. write_u_matrices .or. write_tb) then
write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '| PLOTTING |'
write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*'
write (stdout, *)
end if
if (bands_plot .or. dos_plot .or. fermi_surface_plot .or. write_hr .or. &
write_tb) then
! Check if the kmesh includes the gamma point
have_gamma = .false.
do nkp = 1, num_kpts
if (all(abs(kpt_latt(:, nkp)) < eps6)) have_gamma = .true.
end do
if (.not. have_gamma) &
write (stdout, '(1x,a)') '!!!! Kpoint grid does not include Gamma. '// &
& ' Interpolation may be incorrect. !!!!'
! Transform Hamiltonian to WF basis
call hamiltonian_setup()
call hamiltonian_get_hr()
if (bands_plot) call plot_interpolate_bands
if (fermi_surface_plot) call plot_fermi_surface
if (write_hr) call hamiltonian_write_hr()
if (write_rmn) call hamiltonian_write_rmn()
if (write_tb) call hamiltonian_write_tb()
if (write_hr .or. write_rmn .or. write_tb) then
if (.not. done_ws_distance) call ws_translate_dist(nrpts, irvec)
call ws_write_vec(nrpts, irvec)
end if
end if
if (wannier_plot) call plot_wannier
if (write_bvec) call plot_bvec
if (write_u_matrices) call plot_u_matrices
if (timing_level > 0) call io_stopwatch('plot: main', 2)
end subroutine plot_main