Calculate the Hamiltonian in the WF basis
subroutine hamiltonian_get_hr()
! !
!! Calculate the Hamiltonian in the WF basis
! !
use w90_constants, only: cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
use w90_io, only: io_error, io_stopwatch
use w90_parameters, only: num_bands, num_kpts, num_wann, u_matrix, &
eigval, kpt_latt, u_matrix_opt, lwindow, ndimwin, &
have_disentangled, timing_level
use w90_parameters, only: lsitesymmetry !YN:
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: shift_vec(:, :)
complex(kind=dp) :: fac
real(kind=dp) :: rdotk
real(kind=dp) :: eigval_opt(num_bands, num_kpts)
real(kind=dp) :: eigval2(num_wann, num_kpts)
real(kind=dp) :: irvec_tmp(3)
integer :: loop_kpt, i, j, m, irpt, ideg, ierr, counter
complex(kind=dp) :: utmp(num_bands, num_wann) !RS:
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('hamiltonian: get_hr', 1)
if (have_ham_r) then
if (have_translated .eqv. use_translation) then
goto 200
goto 100
end if
if (have_ham_k) go to 100
!~ if (.not. allocated(ham_k)) then
!~ allocate(ham_k(num_wann,num_wann,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
!~ if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error in allocating ham_k in hamiltonian_get_hr')
!~ end if
ham_k = cmplx_0
eigval_opt = 0.0_dp
eigval2 = 0.0_dp
if (have_disentangled) then
! slim down eigval to contain states within the outer window
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
counter = 0
do j = 1, num_bands
if (lwindow(j, loop_kpt)) then
counter = counter + 1
eigval_opt(counter, loop_kpt) = eigval(j, loop_kpt)
end if
end do
end do
! rotate eigval into the optimal subspace
! in general eigval would be a matrix at each kpoints
! but we choose u_matrix_opt such that the Hamiltonian is
! diagonal at each kpoint. (I guess we should check it here)
if (.not. lsitesymmetry) then !YN:
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
do j = 1, num_wann
do m = 1, ndimwin(loop_kpt)
eigval2(j, loop_kpt) = eigval2(j, loop_kpt) + eigval_opt(m, loop_kpt)* &
real(conjg(u_matrix_opt(m, j, loop_kpt))*u_matrix_opt(m, j, loop_kpt), dp)
else !YN:
! u_matrix_opt are not the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian any more !RS:
! so we have to calculate ham_k in the following way !RS:
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts !RS:
utmp(1:ndimwin(loop_kpt), :) = & !RS:
matmul(u_matrix_opt(1:ndimwin(loop_kpt), :, loop_kpt), u_matrix(:, :, loop_kpt)) !RS:
do j = 1, num_wann !RS:
do i = 1, j !RS:
do m = 1, ndimwin(loop_kpt) !RS:
ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt) = ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt) + eigval_opt(m, loop_kpt)*conjg(utmp(m, i))*utmp(m, j) !RS:
enddo !RS:
if (i .lt. j) ham_k(j, i, loop_kpt) = conjg(ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt)) !RS:
enddo !RS:
enddo !RS:
enddo !RS:
endif !YN:
eigval2(1:num_wann, :) = eigval(1:num_wann, :)
end if
! At this point eigval2 contains num_wann values which belong to the wannier subspace.
! Rotate Hamiltonian into the basis of smooth bloch states
! H(k)=U^{dagger}(k).H_0(k).U(k)
! Note: we enforce hermiticity here
if (.not. lsitesymmetry .or. .not. have_disentangled) then !YN:
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
do j = 1, num_wann
do i = 1, j
do m = 1, num_wann
ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt) = ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt) + eigval2(m, loop_kpt)* &
conjg(u_matrix(m, i, loop_kpt))*u_matrix(m, j, loop_kpt)
if (i .lt. j) ham_k(j, i, loop_kpt) = conjg(ham_k(i, j, loop_kpt))
endif !YN:
have_ham_k = .true.
100 continue
! Fourier transform rotated hamiltonian into WF basis
! H_ij(k) --> H_ij(R) = (1/N_kpts) sum_k e^{-ikR} H_ij(k)
!~ if (.not.allocated(ham_r)) then
!~ allocate(ham_r(num_wann,num_wann,nrpts),stat=ierr)
!~ if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error in allocating ham_r in hamiltonian_get_hr')
!~ end if
ham_r = cmplx_0
if (.not. use_translation) then
do irpt = 1, nrpts
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
rdotk = twopi*dot_product(kpt_latt(:, loop_kpt), real(irvec(:, irpt), dp))
fac = exp(-cmplx_i*rdotk)/real(num_kpts, dp)
ham_r(:, :, irpt) = ham_r(:, :, irpt) + fac*ham_k(:, :, loop_kpt)
have_translated = .false.
allocate (shift_vec(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating shift_vec in hamiltonian_get_hr')
call internal_translate_centres()
do irpt = 1, nrpts
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
do i = 1, num_wann
do j = 1, num_wann
! ham_r(j,i,irpt)
! interaction btw j at 0 and i at irvec(:,irpt)
irvec_tmp(:) = irvec(:, irpt) + shift_vec(:, i) - shift_vec(:, j)
rdotk = twopi*dot_product(kpt_latt(:, loop_kpt), real(irvec_tmp(:), dp))
fac = exp(-cmplx_i*rdotk)/real(num_kpts, dp)
ham_r(j, i, irpt) = ham_r(j, i, irpt) + fac*ham_k(j, i, loop_kpt)
end do
end do
have_translated = .true.
end if
! [lp] if required, compute the minimum diistances
! if (use_ws_distance) then
! allocate(irdist_ws(3,ndegenx,num_wann,num_wann,nrpts),stat=ierr)
! if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error in allocating irdist_ws in hamiltonian_get_hr')
! allocate(wdist_ndeg(num_wann,num_wann,nrpts),stat=ierr)
! if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error in allocating wcenter_ndeg in hamiltonian_get_hr')
! call ws_translate_dist(nrpts, irvec)
! endif
have_ham_r = .true.
200 continue
if (allocated(shift_vec)) then
deallocate (shift_vec, stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating shift_vec in hamiltonian_get_hr')
end if
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('hamiltonian: get_hr', 2)
subroutine internal_translate_centres()
!! Translate the centres of the WF into the home cell
use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, real_lattice, recip_lattice, wannier_centres, &
num_atoms, atoms_pos_cart, translation_centre_frac, &
automatic_translation, num_species, atoms_species_num, lenconfac
use w90_io, only: stdout, io_error
use w90_utility, only: utility_cart_to_frac, utility_frac_to_cart
implicit none
! <<<local variables>>>
integer :: iw, ierr, nat, nsp, ind
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_home(:, :), r_frac(:, :)
real(kind=dp) :: c_pos_cart(3), c_pos_frac(3)
real(kind=dp) :: r_frac_min(3)
!~ if (.not.allocated(wannier_centres_translated)) then
!~ allocate(wannier_centres_translated(3,num_wann),stat=ierr)
!~ if (ierr/=0) call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_centres_translated &
!~ &in internal_translate_wannier_centres')
!~ end if
allocate (r_home(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_home in internal_translate_centres')
allocate (r_frac(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_frac in internal_translate_centres')
r_home = 0.0_dp; r_frac = 0.0_dp
if (automatic_translation) then
! Calculate centre of atomic positions
c_pos_cart = 0.0_dp; c_pos_frac = 0.0_dp
do nsp = 1, num_species
do nat = 1, atoms_species_num(nsp)
c_pos_cart(:) = c_pos_cart(:) + atoms_pos_cart(:, nat, nsp)
c_pos_cart = c_pos_cart/num_atoms
! Cartesian --> fractional
call utility_cart_to_frac(c_pos_cart, translation_centre_frac, recip_lattice)
end if
! Wannier function centres will be in [c_pos_frac-0.5,c_pos_frac+0.5]
r_frac_min(:) = translation_centre_frac(:) - 0.5_dp
! Cartesian --> fractional
do iw = 1, num_wann
call utility_cart_to_frac(wannier_centres(:, iw), r_frac(:, iw), recip_lattice)
! Rationalise r_frac - r_frac_min to interval [0,1]
! by applying shift of -floor(r_frac - r_frac_min)
shift_vec(:, iw) = -floor(r_frac(:, iw) - r_frac_min(:))
r_frac(:, iw) = r_frac(:, iw) + real(shift_vec(:, iw), dp)
! Fractional --> Cartesian
call utility_frac_to_cart(r_frac(:, iw), r_home(:, iw), real_lattice)
end do
! NEVER overwrite wannier_centres
!wannier_centres = r_home
if (on_root) then
write (stdout, '(1x,a)') 'Translated centres'
write (stdout, '(4x,a,3f10.6)') 'translation centre in fractional coordinate:', translation_centre_frac(:)
do iw = 1, num_wann
write (stdout, 888) iw, (r_home(ind, iw)*lenconfac, ind=1, 3)
end do
write (stdout, '(1x,a78)') repeat('-', 78)
write (stdout, *)
wannier_centres_translated = r_home
deallocate (r_frac, stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating r_frac in internal_translate_centres')
deallocate (r_home, stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating r_home in internal_translate_centres')
888 format(2x, 'WF centre ', i5, 2x, '(', f10.6, ',', f10.6, ',', f10.6, ' )')
end subroutine internal_translate_centres
end subroutine hamiltonian_get_hr