overlap_rotate Subroutine

private subroutine overlap_rotate()


  • proc~~overlap_rotate~~UsesGraph proc~overlap_rotate overlap_rotate module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~overlap_rotate->module~w90_parameters module~w90_io w90_io proc~overlap_rotate->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_constants w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

Only used when interfaced to the CP code Not sure why this is done here and not in CP




proc~~overlap_rotate~~CallsGraph proc~overlap_rotate overlap_rotate dspev dspev proc~overlap_rotate->dspev proc~io_file_unit io_file_unit proc~overlap_rotate->proc~io_file_unit


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine overlap_rotate
    !! Only used when interfaced to the CP code
    !! Not sure why this is done here and not in CP

    use w90_parameters, only: num_bands, a_matrix, m_matrix_orig, nntot, timing_level
    use w90_io, only: io_file_unit, io_error, io_stopwatch

    implicit none

    integer       :: lam_unit, info, inn, i, j
    real(kind=DP) :: lambda(num_bands, num_bands)
    real(kind=DP) :: AP(num_bands*(num_bands + 1)/2)
    real(kind=DP) :: eig(num_bands), work(3*num_bands)

    if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('overlap: rotate', 1)

    lam_unit = io_file_unit()
    open (unit=lam_unit, file='lambda.dat', &
          form='unformatted', status='old', action='read')
!~    write(stdout,*) ' Reading lambda.dat...'
    read (lam_unit) lambda
!~    write(stdout,*) ' done'
    close (lam_unit)

    do j = 1, num_bands
      do i = 1, j
        AP(i + (j - 1)*j/2) = 0.5_dp*(lambda(i, j) + lambda(j, i))
      end do
    end do

    CALL DSPEV('V', 'U', num_bands, AP, eig, lambda, num_bands, work, info)
    if (info .ne. 0) &
      call io_error('Diagonalization of lambda in overlap_rotate failed')

    ! For debugging
!~    write(stdout,*) 'EIGENVALUES - CHECK WITH CP OUTPUT'
!~    do i=1,num_bands
!~       write(stdout,*) 13.6058*eig(i)
!~    end do

    ! Rotate M_mn
    do inn = 1, nntot
      m_matrix_orig(:, :, inn, 1) = &
        matmul(transpose(lambda), matmul(m_matrix_orig(:, :, inn, 1), lambda))
    end do

    ! Rotate A_mn
    a_matrix(:, :, 1) = matmul(transpose(lambda), a_matrix(:, :, 1))

    ! For debugging
!~    ! Write rotated A and M
!~    do i=1,num_bands
!~       do j=1,num_wann
!~          write(12,'(2i5,a,2f18.12)') i,j,'   1',a_matrix(i,j,1)
!~       enddo
!~    enddo
!~    do inn=1,nntot
!~       do i=1,num_bands
!~          do j=1,num_wann
!~             write(11,'(2i5,2a)') i,j,'    1','    1'
!~             write(11,'(2f18.12)') m_matrix_orig(i,j,inn,1)
!~          enddo
!~       enddo
!~    enddo
!~    stop

    if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('overlap: rotate', 2)


  end subroutine overlap_rotate