This module reads in the overlap (Mmn) and Projections (Amn) and performs simple operations on them.
Allocate memory to read Mmn and Amn from files This must be called before calling overlap_read
Read the Mmn and Amn from files Note: one needs to call overlap_allocate first!
Only used when interfaced to the CP code Not sure why this is done here and not in CP
Dellocate memory
Construct initial guess from the projection via a Lowdin transformation See section 3 of the CPC 2008 Note that in this subroutine num_wann = num_bands since, if we are here, then disentanglement = FALSE
Construct initial guess from the projection via a Lowdin transformation See section 3 of the CPC 2008 Note that in this subroutine num_wann = num_bands since, if we are here, then disentanglement = FALSE Gamma specific version