
Latest stable release (5 March 2020): Wannier90 (v3.1.0) [gzipped-tar]

Please note that:

  • Wannier90 is released under the GNU General Public License (v2)
  • A summary of improvements may be found in CHANGE.log
  • Installation instructions may be found in README.install
  • The latest User Guide and Tutorial may be found here. They may also be found in the ‘doc’ directory of the current distribution.

For developers (GitHub)

The development of Wannier90 is managed on the Wannier developers GitHub site where you will find details of on-going developments, and how to contribute to Wannier90.

Wannier Software Ecosystem Registry

There is a growing ecosystem of Wannier-function-related software, e.g., Wannier engines for generating Wannier functions, ab initio codes that interface to Wannier engines, post-processing codes for using Wannier functions to calculate electronic properties, etc. A registry of software within this ecosystem is available on Github.

If you would like to add your software project to the registry, please submit a pull request, following the instructions in the README file of the Wannier Software Ecosystem Github repository.

Visualisation Programs

The following programs should be installed to visualise the output of Wannier90:

  • gnuplot is used to plot band structures. It is available for many operating systems and is often installed on unix/Linux distributions by default
  • XCrySDen is used to visualise crystal and molecular structures, Wannier functions and Fermi surfaces. It is available for Unix/Linux, Windows (using cygwin) and OSX. To correctly display files from Wannier90, use XCrySDen version 1.4 or later.
  • VESTA is another program that can be used to visualise structures and Wannier functions, in particular when outputted in Gaussian cube format.

MLWFs and the LAPW formalism

Technical notes on the calculation of MLWF within the LAPW formalism are now available, courtesy of Prof. Michel Posternak [PDF].

Older versions of Wannier90

Previous releases of Wannier90 are tagged on the GitHub repository and are also provided below.

  • Wannier90 (v3.0.0), released 27 February 2019: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v2.1.0), released 13 January 2017: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v2.0.1), released 2 April 2015: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v2.0), released 2 October 2013: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v1.2), released 15 January 2010: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v1.1), released 21 December 2007: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v1.0.2), released 4 December 2006: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v1.0.1), released 17 May 2006: [gzipped-tar]
  • Wannier90 (v1.0), released 30 April 2006: [gzipped-tar]

Wannier v0.9 (Fortran77)

The Fortran77 version of the wannier code is available below (see the history of the Wannier function code).