subroutine tran_reduce_hr()
! reduce ham_r from 3-d to 1-d
use w90_constants, only: dp, eps8
use w90_io, only: io_error, io_stopwatch, stdout
use w90_parameters, only: one_dim_dir, real_lattice, num_wann, &
mp_grid, timing_level
use w90_hamiltonian, only: irvec, nrpts, ham_r
implicit none
integer :: ierr
integer :: irvec_max, irvec_tmp(3), two_dim_vec(2)
integer :: i, j
integer :: i1, i2, i3, n1, nrpts_tmp, loop_rpt
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('tran: reduce_hr', 1)
! Find one_dim_vec which is parallel to one_dim_dir
! two_dim_vec - the other two lattice vectors
j = 0
do i = 1, 3
if (abs(abs(real_lattice(one_dim_dir, i)) &
- sqrt(dot_product(real_lattice(:, i), real_lattice(:, i)))) .lt. eps8) then
one_dim_vec = i
j = j + 1
end if
end do
if (j .ne. 1) then
write (stdout, '(i3,a)') j, ' : 1-D LATTICE VECTOR NOT DEFINED'
call io_error('Error: 1-d lattice vector not defined in tran_reduce_hr')
end if
j = 0
do i = 1, 3
if (i .ne. one_dim_vec) then
j = j + 1
two_dim_vec(j) = i
end if
end do
! starting H matrix should include all W-S supercell where
! the center of the cell spans the full space of the home cell
! adding one more buffer layer when mp_grid(one_dim_vec) is an odd number
!irvec_max = (mp_grid(one_dim_vec)+1)/2
irvec_tmp = maxval(irvec, DIM=2) + 1
irvec_max = irvec_tmp(one_dim_vec)
nrpts_one_dim = 2*irvec_max + 1
allocate (hr_one_dim(num_wann, num_wann, -irvec_max:irvec_max), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating hr_one_dim in tran_reduce_hr')
hr_one_dim = 0.0_dp
! check imaginary part
write (stdout, '(1x,a,F12.6)') 'Maximum imaginary part of the real-space Hamiltonian: ', maxval(abs(aimag(ham_r)))
! select a subset of ham_r, where irvec is 0 along the two other lattice vectors
nrpts_tmp = 0
loop_n1: do n1 = -irvec_max, irvec_max
do loop_rpt = 1, nrpts
i1 = mod(n1 - irvec(one_dim_vec, loop_rpt), mp_grid(one_dim_vec))
i2 = irvec(two_dim_vec(1), loop_rpt)
i3 = irvec(two_dim_vec(2), loop_rpt)
if (i1 .eq. 0 .and. i2 .eq. 0 .and. i3 .eq. 0) then
nrpts_tmp = nrpts_tmp + 1
hr_one_dim(:, :, n1) = real(ham_r(:, :, loop_rpt), dp)
cycle loop_n1
end if
end do
end do loop_n1
if (nrpts_tmp .ne. nrpts_one_dim) then
write (stdout, '(a)') 'FAILED TO EXTRACT 1-D HAMILTONIAN'
call io_error('Error: cannot extract 1d hamiltonian in tran_reduce_hr')
end if
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('tran: reduce_hr', 2)
end subroutine tran_reduce_hr