TDF_kpt Subroutine

private subroutine TDF_kpt(kpt, EnergyArray, eig_k, deleig_k, TDF_k)


  • proc~~tdf_kpt~~UsesGraph proc~tdf_kpt TDF_kpt module~w90_spin w90_spin proc~tdf_kpt->module~w90_spin module~w90_utility w90_utility proc~tdf_kpt->module~w90_utility module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~tdf_kpt->module~w90_parameters module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~tdf_kpt->module~w90_constants module~w90_spin->module~w90_constants module~w90_utility->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_io w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

This subroutine calculates the contribution to the TDF of a single k point

This routine does not use the adaptive smearing; in fact, for non-zero temperatures one often doesn't even need to smear. It simply uses a standard smearing as defined by the variables boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width and boltz_TDF_smr_index

still to do: adapt spin_get_nk to read in input the UU rotation matrix

This routine simply provides the dos contribution of a given point. This must be externally summed after proper weighting. The weight factor (for a full BZ sampling with N^3 points) is 1/N^3/cell_volume if we want to calculate 1/(2*pi)^3 * \int_{BZ} d^3 k The only factor that is included INSIDE this routine is the spin degeneracy factor (=2 if spinors is .false., =1 if spinors is .true.) The EnergyArray is assumed to be evenly spaced (and the energy spacing is taken from EnergyArray(2)-EnergyArray(1)) The routine is assuming that EnergyArray has at least two elements. The meaning of the three indices of the TDF_k array is different with respect to those of the dos_k array returned by the dos_get_k routine The TDF_k array must have dimensions 6 * size(EnergyArray) * ndim, where ndim=1 if spin_decomp==false, or ndim=3 if spin_decomp==true. This is not checked.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3):: kpt

the three coordinates of the k point vector whose DOS contribution we want to calculate (in relative coordinates)

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: EnergyArray

array with the energy grid on which to calculate the DOS (in eV) It must have at least two elements

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: eig_k

array with the eigenvalues at the given k point (in eV)

real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: deleig_k

array with the band derivatives at the given k point (in eV * angstrom / (2pi) as internally given by the code) already corrected in case of degeneracies, as returned by the wham_get_deleig_a routine

real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :, :):: TDF_k

TDF_k array in which the contribution is stored. Three dimensions: TDF_k(ij, energyidx, spinidx), where: - ij indexes the components of the TDF (symmetric) tensor (1=XX, 2=XY, ...); see the global constants defined in the module - energyidx is the index of the energies, corresponding to the one of the EnergyArray array; - spinidx=1 contains the total dos; if if spin_decomp==.true., then spinidx=2 and spinidx=3 contain the spin-up and spin-down contributions to the DOS


proc~~tdf_kpt~~CallsGraph proc~tdf_kpt TDF_kpt proc~utility_w0gauss utility_w0gauss proc~tdf_kpt->proc~utility_w0gauss

Called by

proc~~tdf_kpt~~CalledByGraph proc~tdf_kpt TDF_kpt proc~calctdfanddos calcTDFandDOS proc~calctdfanddos->proc~tdf_kpt proc~boltzwann_main boltzwann_main proc~boltzwann_main->proc~calctdfanddos


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine TDF_kpt(kpt, EnergyArray, eig_k, deleig_k, TDF_k)
    !! This subroutine calculates the contribution to the TDF of a single k point
    !!  This routine does not use the adaptive smearing; in fact, for non-zero temperatures
    !!       one often doesn't even need to smear. It simply uses a standard smearing as defined by
    !!       the variables boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width and boltz_TDF_smr_index
    !! still to do: adapt spin_get_nk to read in input the UU rotation matrix
    !! This routine simply provides the dos contribution of a given
    !!       point. This must be externally summed after proper weighting.
    !!       The weight factor (for a full BZ sampling with N^3 points) is 1/N^3/cell_volume
    !!       if we want to calculate 1/(2*pi)^3 * \int_{BZ} d^3 k
    !! The only factor that is included INSIDE this routine is the spin degeneracy
    !!       factor (=2 if spinors is .false., =1 if spinors is .true.)
    !! The EnergyArray is assumed to be evenly spaced (and the energy spacing
    !!       is taken from EnergyArray(2)-EnergyArray(1))
    !! The routine is assuming that EnergyArray has at least two elements.
    !!  The meaning of the three indices of the TDF_k array is different with respect to
    !!       those of the dos_k array returned by the dos_get_k routine
    !! The TDF_k array must have dimensions 6 * size(EnergyArray) * ndim, where
    !!       ndim=1 if spin_decomp==false, or ndim=3 if spin_decomp==true. This is not checked.
    use w90_constants, only: dp, smearing_cutoff, min_smearing_binwidth_ratio
    use w90_utility, only: utility_w0gauss
    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, spin_decomp, num_elec_per_state, &
      boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width, boltz_TDF_smr_index, boltz_relax_time
    use w90_spin, only: spin_get_nk

    ! Arguments
    real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in)      :: kpt
    !! the three coordinates of the k point vector whose DOS contribution we
    !! want to calculate (in relative coordinates)
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in)      :: EnergyArray
    !! array with the energy grid on which to calculate the DOS (in eV)
    !! It must have at least two elements
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in)      :: eig_k
    !! array with the eigenvalues at the given k point (in eV)
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in)    :: deleig_k
    !! array with the band derivatives at the given k point
    !! (in eV * angstrom / (2pi) as internally given by the code)
    !! already corrected in case of degeneracies, as returned by the
    !! wham_get_deleig_a routine
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: TDF_k
    !! TDF_k array in which the contribution is stored. Three dimensions:
    !! TDF_k(ij, energyidx, spinidx), where:
    !! - ij indexes the components of the TDF (symmetric) tensor (1=XX, 2=XY, ...);
    !!   see the global constants defined in the module
    !! - energyidx is the index of the energies, corresponding to the one
    !!   of the EnergyArray array;
    !!  - spinidx=1 contains the total dos; if if spin_decomp==.true., then
    !!  spinidx=2 and spinidx=3 contain the spin-up and spin-down contributions to the DOS

    ! Adaptive smearing
    real(kind=dp) :: smear, arg

    ! Misc/Dummy
    integer          :: BandIdx, loop_f, min_f, max_f
    real(kind=dp)    :: rdum, spn_nk(num_wann), alpha_sq, beta_sq
    real(kind=dp)    :: binwidth, r_num_elec_per_state
    logical          :: DoSmearing

    r_num_elec_per_state = real(num_elec_per_state, kind=dp)

    ! Get spin projections for every band
    if (spin_decomp) call spin_get_nk(kpt, spn_nk)

    binwidth = EnergyArray(2) - EnergyArray(1)

    TDF_k = 0.0_dp
    do BandIdx = 1, num_wann
      if (spin_decomp) then
        ! Contribution to spin-up DOS of Bloch spinor with component
        ! (alpha,beta) with respect to the chosen quantization axis
        alpha_sq = (1.0_dp + spn_nk(BandIdx))/2.0_dp ! |alpha|^2
        ! Contribution to spin-down DOS
        beta_sq = 1.0_dp - alpha_sq ! |beta|^2 = 1 - |alpha|^2
      end if

      ! Do not use an adaptive smearing here, it would require the knowledge of second derivatives
      ! And typically, when working at not too small temperatures, smearing is not needed

      ! Faster optimization: I precalculate the indices
      ! Value of the smearing in eV; default = 0 eV, i.e. no smearing
      smear = boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width
      if (smear/binwidth < min_smearing_binwidth_ratio) then
        min_f = max(nint((eig_k(BandIdx) - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, 1)
        max_f = min(nint((eig_k(BandIdx) - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, size(EnergyArray))
        DoSmearing = .false.
        min_f = max(nint((eig_k(BandIdx) - smearing_cutoff*smear - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, 1)
        max_f = min(nint((eig_k(BandIdx) + smearing_cutoff*smear - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, size(EnergyArray))
        DoSmearing = .true.
      end if

      do loop_f = min_f, max_f
        if (DoSmearing) then
          arg = (EnergyArray(loop_f) - eig_k(BandIdx))/smear
          rdum = utility_w0gauss(arg, boltz_TDF_smr_index)/smear
          rdum = 1._dp/(EnergyArray(2) - EnergyArray(1))
        end if
        ! Contribution to total DOS
        TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)
        TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
        TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
        TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
        TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
        TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 1) = TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 1) + rdum* &
                               r_num_elec_per_state*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)

        ! I don't put num_elec_per_state here below: if we are calculating the spin decomposition,
        ! we should be doing a calcultation with spin-orbit, and thus num_elec_per_state=1!
        if (spin_decomp) then
          ! Spin-up contribution
          TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)
          TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
          TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
          TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
          TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
          TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 2) = TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 2) + rdum* &
                                 alpha_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
          ! Spin-down contribution
          TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(XX, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)
          TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(XY, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
          TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(YY, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)
          TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(XZ, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 1)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
          TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(YZ, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 2)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
          TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 3) = TDF_k(ZZ, loop_f, 3) + rdum* &
                                 beta_sq*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)*deleig_k(BandIdx, 3)
        end if
      end do
    end do !loop over bands

    ! I multiply it here, since I am assuming a constant relaxation time, independent of the band index
    ! (actually, it is also independent of k)
    TDF_k = TDF_k*boltz_relax_time

  end subroutine TDF_kpt