For OO: For : where R_{x,y,z} are the Cartesian components of R For : where R_{xi,yi,zi} are the Cartesian components of R
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=dp) | :: | kpt(3) | ||||
complex(kind=dp), | intent(in), | dimension(:, :, :) | :: | OO_R | ||
complex(kind=dp), | intent(out), | optional | dimension(:, :) | :: | OO | |
complex(kind=dp), | intent(out), | optional | dimension(:, :, :) | :: | OO_da | |
complex(kind=dp), | intent(out), | optional | dimension(:, :, :, :) | :: | OO_dadb |
subroutine pw90common_fourier_R_to_k_new_second_d(kpt, OO_R, OO, OO_da, OO_dadb)
! !
!! For OO:
!! $$O_{ij}(k) = \sum_R e^{+ik.R}.O_{ij}(R)$$
!! For $$OO_{dx,dy,dz}$$:
!! $$\sum_R [i.R_{dx,dy,dz}.e^{+ik.R}.O_{ij}(R)]$$
!! where R_{x,y,z} are the Cartesian components of R
!! For $$OO_{dx1,dy1,dz1;dx2,dy2,dz2}$$:
!! $$-\sum_R [R_{dx1,dy1,dz1}.R_{dx2,dy2,dz2}.e^{+ik.R}.O_{ij}(R)]$$
!! where R_{xi,yi,zi} are the Cartesian components of R
! !
use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
use w90_parameters, only: timing_level, num_kpts, kpt_latt, num_wann, use_ws_distance
use w90_ws_distance, only: irdist_ws, crdist_ws, wdist_ndeg, ws_translate_dist
implicit none
! Arguments
real(kind=dp) :: kpt(3)
complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: OO_R
complex(kind=dp), optional, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: OO
complex(kind=dp), optional, dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: OO_da
complex(kind=dp), optional, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(out) :: OO_dadb
integer :: ir, i, j, ideg, a, b
real(kind=dp) :: rdotk
complex(kind=dp) :: phase_fac
if (use_ws_distance) CALL ws_translate_dist(nrpts, irvec)
if (present(OO)) OO = cmplx_0
if (present(OO_da)) OO_da = cmplx_0
if (present(OO_dadb)) OO_dadb = cmplx_0
do ir = 1, nrpts
! [lp] Shift the WF to have the minimum distance IJ, see also ws_distance.F90
if (use_ws_distance) then
do j = 1, num_wann
do i = 1, num_wann
do ideg = 1, wdist_ndeg(i, j, ir)
rdotk = twopi*dot_product(kpt(:), real(irdist_ws(:, ideg, i, j, ir), dp))
phase_fac = cmplx(cos(rdotk), sin(rdotk), dp)/real(ndegen(ir)*wdist_ndeg(i, j, ir), dp)
if (present(OO)) OO(i, j) = OO(i, j) + phase_fac*OO_R(i, j, ir)
if (present(OO_da)) then
do a = 1, 3
OO_da(i, j, a) = OO_da(i, j, a) + cmplx_i*crdist_ws(a, ideg, i, j, ir)* &
phase_fac*OO_R(i, j, ir)
if (present(OO_dadb)) then
do a = 1, 3
do b = 1, 3
OO_dadb(i, j, a, b) = OO_dadb(i, j, a, b) - crdist_ws(a, ideg, i, j, ir)* &
crdist_ws(b, ideg, i, j, ir)*phase_fac*OO_R(i, j, ir)
end if
! [lp] Original code, without IJ-dependent shift:
rdotk = twopi*dot_product(kpt(:), irvec(:, ir))
phase_fac = cmplx(cos(rdotk), sin(rdotk), dp)/real(ndegen(ir), dp)
if (present(OO)) OO(:, :) = OO(:, :) + phase_fac*OO_R(:, :, ir)
if (present(OO_da)) then
do a = 1, 3
OO_da(:, :, a) = OO_da(:, :, a) + cmplx_i*crvec(a, ir)*phase_fac*OO_R(:, :, ir)
if (present(OO_dadb)) then
do a = 1, 3
do b = 1, 3
OO_dadb(:, :, a, b) = OO_dadb(:, :, a, b) - &
crvec(a, ir)*crvec(b, ir)*phase_fac*OO_R(:, :, ir)
end if
end subroutine pw90common_fourier_R_to_k_new_second_d