Writes the usage of the program to stdout
subroutine print_usage()
!! Writes the usage of the program to stdout
write (stdout, '(A)') "Usage:"
write (stdout, '(A)') " w90spn2spn.x ACTION [SEEDNAME]"
write (stdout, '(A)') "where ACTION can be one of the following:"
write (stdout, '(A)') " -export"
write (stdout, '(A)') " -u2f"
write (stdout, '(A)') " Convert from unformatted (standard) format to formatted format, to export"
write (stdout, '(A)') " the spn file on a different machine."
write (stdout, '(A)') " The seedname.spn file is read and the seedname.spn.fmt file is generated."
write (stdout, '(A)') " -import"
write (stdout, '(A)') " -f2u"
write (stdout, '(A)') " Convert from formatted format to unformatted (standard) format, to import"
write (stdout, '(A)') " the spn file seedname.spn.fmt from a different machine."
write (stdout, '(A)') " The seedname.spn.fmt file is read and the seedname.spn file is generated."
end subroutine print_usage