Plot the WF in Xcrysden format based on code written by Michel Posternak
!!! For spinor Wannier functions, the steps below are not necessary.
subroutine plot_wannier
! !
!! Plot the WF in Xcrysden format
!! based on code written by Michel Posternak
! !
use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi, cmplx_1
use w90_io, only: io_error, stdout, io_file_unit, seedname, &
io_date, io_stopwatch
use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, num_bands, num_kpts, u_matrix, spin, &
ngs => wannier_plot_supercell, kpt_latt, num_species, atoms_species_num, &
atoms_symbol, atoms_pos_cart, num_atoms, real_lattice, have_disentangled, &
ndimwin, lwindow, u_matrix_opt, num_wannier_plot, wannier_plot_list, &
wannier_plot_mode, wvfn_formatted, timing_level, wannier_plot_format, &
spinors, wannier_plot_spinor_mode, wannier_plot_spinor_phase
implicit none
real(kind=dp) :: scalfac, tmax, tmaxx, x_0ang, y_0ang, z_0ang
real(kind=dp) :: fxcry(3), dirl(3, 3), w_real, w_imag, ratmax, ratio
real(kind=dp) :: upspinor, dnspinor, upphase, dnphase
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: wann_func(:, :, :, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_wvfn(:, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_wvfn_tmp(:, :)
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: wann_func_nc(:, :, :, :, :) ! add the spinor dim.
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_wvfn_nc(:, :, :) ! add the spinor dim.
complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: r_wvfn_tmp_nc(:, :, :) ! add the spinor dim.
complex(kind=dp) :: catmp, wmod
logical :: have_file
integer :: i, j, nsp, nat, nbnd, counter, ierr
integer :: loop_kpt, ik, ix, iy, iz, nk, ngx, ngy, ngz, nxx, nyy, nzz
integer :: loop_b, nx, ny, nz, npoint, file_unit, loop_w, num_inc
integer :: ispinor
character(len=11) :: wfnname
character(len=60) :: wanxsf, wancube
character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime
logical :: inc_band(num_bands)
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('plot: wannier', 1)
if (.not. spinors) then
write (wfnname, 200) 1, spin
write (wfnname, 199) 1
inquire (file=wfnname, exist=have_file)
if (.not. have_file) call io_error('plot_wannier: file '//wfnname//' not found')
file_unit = io_file_unit()
if (wvfn_formatted) then
open (unit=file_unit, file=wfnname, form='formatted')
read (file_unit, *) ngx, ngy, ngz, nk, nbnd
open (unit=file_unit, file=wfnname, form='unformatted')
read (file_unit) ngx, ngy, ngz, nk, nbnd
end if
close (file_unit)
200 format('UNK', i5.5, '.', i1)
199 format('UNK', i5.5, '.', 'NC')
allocate (wann_func(-((ngs(1))/2)*ngx:((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1, &
-((ngs(2))/2)*ngy:((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1, &
-((ngs(3))/2)*ngz:((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1, num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wann_func in plot_wannier')
wann_func = cmplx_0
if (spinors) then
allocate (wann_func_nc(-((ngs(1))/2)*ngx:((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1, &
-((ngs(2))/2)*ngy:((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1, &
-((ngs(3))/2)*ngz:((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1, 2, num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wann_func_nc in plot_wannier')
wann_func_nc = cmplx_0
if (.not. spinors) then
if (have_disentangled) then
allocate (r_wvfn_tmp(ngx*ngy*ngz, maxval(ndimwin)), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_wvfn_tmp in plot_wannier')
end if
allocate (r_wvfn(ngx*ngy*ngz, num_wann), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_wvfn in plot_wannier')
if (have_disentangled) then
allocate (r_wvfn_tmp_nc(ngx*ngy*ngz, maxval(ndimwin), 2), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_wvfn_tmp_nc in plot_wannier')
end if
allocate (r_wvfn_nc(ngx*ngy*ngz, num_wann, 2), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating r_wvfn_nc in plot_wannier')
call io_date(cdate, ctime)
do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
inc_band = .true.
num_inc = num_wann
if (have_disentangled) then
inc_band(:) = lwindow(:, loop_kpt)
num_inc = ndimwin(loop_kpt)
end if
if (.not. spinors) then
write (wfnname, 200) loop_kpt, spin
write (wfnname, 199) loop_kpt
file_unit = io_file_unit()
if (wvfn_formatted) then
open (unit=file_unit, file=wfnname, form='formatted')
read (file_unit, *) ix, iy, iz, ik, nbnd
open (unit=file_unit, file=wfnname, form='unformatted')
read (file_unit) ix, iy, iz, ik, nbnd
end if
if ((ix /= ngx) .or. (iy /= ngy) .or. (iz /= ngz) .or. (ik /= loop_kpt)) then
write (stdout, '(1x,a,a)') 'WARNING: mismatch in file', trim(wfnname)
write (stdout, '(1x,5(a6,I5))') ' ix=', ix, ' iy=', iy, ' iz=', iz, ' ik=', ik, ' nbnd=', nbnd
write (stdout, '(1x,5(a6,I5))') ' ngx=', ngx, ' ngy=', ngy, ' ngz=', ngz, ' kpt=', loop_kpt, 'bands=', num_bands
call io_error('plot_wannier')
end if
if (have_disentangled) then
counter = 1
do loop_b = 1, num_bands
if (counter > num_inc) exit
if (wvfn_formatted) then
do nx = 1, ngx*ngy*ngz
read (file_unit, *) w_real, w_imag
if (.not. spinors) then
r_wvfn_tmp(nx, counter) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp)
r_wvfn_tmp_nc(nx, counter, 1) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp) ! up-spinor
end do
if (spinors) then
do nx = 1, ngx*ngy*ngz
read (file_unit, *) w_real, w_imag
r_wvfn_tmp_nc(nx, counter, 2) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp) ! down-spinor
end do
if (.not. spinors) then
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn_tmp(nx, counter), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz)
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn_tmp_nc(nx, counter, 1), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz) ! up-spinor
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn_tmp_nc(nx, counter, 2), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz) ! down-spinor
end if
if (inc_band(loop_b)) counter = counter + 1
end do
do loop_b = 1, num_bands
if (wvfn_formatted) then
do nx = 1, ngx*ngy*ngz
read (file_unit, *) w_real, w_imag
if (.not. spinors) then
r_wvfn(nx, loop_b) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp)
r_wvfn_nc(nx, loop_b, 1) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp) ! up-spinor
end do
if (spinors) then
do nx = 1, ngx*ngy*ngz
read (file_unit, *) w_real, w_imag
r_wvfn_nc(nx, loop_b, 2) = cmplx(w_real, w_imag, kind=dp) ! down-spinor
end do
if (.not. spinors) then
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn(nx, loop_b), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz)
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn_nc(nx, loop_b, 1), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz) ! up-spinor
read (file_unit) (r_wvfn_nc(nx, loop_b, 2), nx=1, ngx*ngy*ngz) ! down-spinor
end if
end do
end if
close (file_unit)
if (have_disentangled) then
if (.not. spinors) then
r_wvfn = cmplx_0
do loop_w = 1, num_wann
do loop_b = 1, num_inc
r_wvfn(:, loop_w) = r_wvfn(:, loop_w) + &
u_matrix_opt(loop_b, loop_w, loop_kpt)*r_wvfn_tmp(:, loop_b)
end do
end do
r_wvfn_nc = cmplx_0
do loop_w = 1, num_wann
do loop_b = 1, num_inc
call zaxpy(ngx*ngy*ngz, u_matrix_opt(loop_b, loop_w, loop_kpt), r_wvfn_tmp_nc(1, loop_b, 1), 1, & ! up-spinor
r_wvfn_nc(1, loop_w, 1), 1)
call zaxpy(ngx*ngy*ngz, u_matrix_opt(loop_b, loop_w, loop_kpt), r_wvfn_tmp_nc(1, loop_b, 2), 1, & ! down-spinor
r_wvfn_nc(1, loop_w, 2), 1)
end do
end do
end if
! nxx, nyy, nzz span a parallelogram in the real space mesh, of side
! 2*nphir, and centered around the maximum of phi_i, nphimx(i, 1 2 3)
! nx ny nz are the nxx nyy nzz brought back to the unit cell in
! which u_nk(r)=cptwrb(r,n) is represented
! There is a big performance improvement in looping over num_wann
! in the inner loop. This is poor memory access for wann_func and
! but the reduced number of operations wins out.
do nzz = -((ngs(3))/2)*ngz, ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1
nz = mod(nzz, ngz)
if (nz .lt. 1) nz = nz + ngz
do nyy = -((ngs(2))/2)*ngy, ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1
ny = mod(nyy, ngy)
if (ny .lt. 1) ny = ny + ngy
do nxx = -((ngs(1))/2)*ngx, ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1
nx = mod(nxx, ngx)
if (nx .lt. 1) nx = nx + ngx
scalfac = kpt_latt(1, loop_kpt)*real(nxx - 1, dp)/real(ngx, dp) + &
kpt_latt(2, loop_kpt)*real(nyy - 1, dp)/real(ngy, dp) + &
kpt_latt(3, loop_kpt)*real(nzz - 1, dp)/real(ngz, dp)
npoint = nx + (ny - 1)*ngx + (nz - 1)*ngy*ngx
catmp = exp(twopi*cmplx_i*scalfac)
do loop_b = 1, num_wann
do loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
if (.not. spinors) then
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = &
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) + &
u_matrix(loop_b, wannier_plot_list(loop_w), loop_kpt)*r_wvfn(npoint, loop_b)*catmp
wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1, loop_w) = &
wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1, loop_w) + & ! up-spinor
u_matrix(loop_b, wannier_plot_list(loop_w), loop_kpt)*r_wvfn_nc(npoint, loop_b, 1)*catmp
wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2, loop_w) = &
wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2, loop_w) + & ! down-spinor
u_matrix(loop_b, wannier_plot_list(loop_w), loop_kpt)*r_wvfn_nc(npoint, loop_b, 2)*catmp
if (loop_b == num_wann) then ! last loop
upspinor = real(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1, loop_w)* &
conjg(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1, loop_w)), dp)
dnspinor = real(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2, loop_w)* &
conjg(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2, loop_w)), dp)
if (wannier_plot_spinor_phase) then
upphase = sign(1.0_dp, real(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1, loop_w), dp))
dnphase = sign(1.0_dp, real(wann_func_nc(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2, loop_w), dp))
upphase = 1.0_dp; dnphase = 1.0_dp
select case (wannier_plot_spinor_mode)
case ('total')
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = cmplx(sqrt(upspinor + dnspinor), 0.0_dp, dp)
case ('up')
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = cmplx(sqrt(upspinor), 0.0_dp, dp)*upphase
case ('down')
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = cmplx(sqrt(dnspinor), 0.0_dp, dp)*dnphase
case default
call io_error('plot_wannier: Invalid wannier_plot_spinor_mode '//trim(wannier_plot_spinor_mode))
end select
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)/real(num_kpts, dp)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do !loop over kpoints
if (.not. spinors) then !!!!! For spinor Wannier functions, the steps below are not necessary.
! fix the global phase by setting the wannier to
! be real at the point where it has max. modulus
do loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
tmaxx = 0.0
wmod = cmplx_1
do nzz = -((ngs(3))/2)*ngz, ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1
do nyy = -((ngs(2))/2)*ngy, ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1
do nxx = -((ngs(1))/2)*ngx, ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1
wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w) = wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)/real(num_kpts, dp)
tmax = real(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)* &
conjg(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)), dp)
if (tmax > tmaxx) then
tmaxx = tmax
wmod = wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)
end if
end do
end do
end do
wmod = wmod/sqrt(real(wmod)**2 + aimag(wmod)**2)
wann_func(:, :, :, loop_w) = wann_func(:, :, :, loop_w)/wmod
end do
! Check the 'reality' of the WF
do loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
ratmax = 0.0_dp
do nzz = -((ngs(3))/2)*ngz, ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1
do nyy = -((ngs(2))/2)*ngy, ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1
do nxx = -((ngs(1))/2)*ngx, ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1
if (abs(real(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w), dp)) >= 0.01_dp) then
ratio = abs(aimag(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w)))/ &
abs(real(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, loop_w), dp))
ratmax = max(ratmax, ratio)
end if
end do
end do
end do
write (stdout, '(6x,a,i4,7x,a,f11.6)') 'Wannier Function Num: ', wannier_plot_list(loop_w), &
'Maximum Im/Re Ratio = ', ratmax
end do
endif !!!!!
write (stdout, *) ' '
if (wannier_plot_format .eq. 'xcrysden') then
call internal_xsf_format()
elseif (wannier_plot_format .eq. 'cube') then
call internal_cube_format()
call io_error('wannier_plot_format not recognised in wannier_plot')
if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('plot: wannier', 2)
subroutine internal_cube_format()
! !
!! Write WFs in Gaussian cube format.
! !
use w90_constants, only: bohr
use w90_parameters, only: recip_lattice, iprint, &
wannier_plot_radius, wannier_centres, atoms_symbol, &
wannier_plot_scale, atoms_pos_frac, num_atoms
use w90_utility, only: utility_translate_home, &
utility_cart_to_frac, utility_frac_to_cart
implicit none
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: wann_cube(:, :, :)
real(kind=dp) :: rstart(3), rend(3), rlength(3), orig(3), dgrid(3)
real(kind=dp) :: moda(3), modb(3)
real(kind=dp) :: val_Q
real(kind=dp) :: comf(3), wcf(3), diff(3), difc(3), dist
integer :: ierr, iname, max_elements, iw
integer :: isp, iat, nzz, nyy, nxx, loop_w, qxx, qyy, qzz, wann_index
integer :: istart(3), iend(3), ilength(3)
integer :: ixx, iyy, izz
integer :: irdiff(3), icount
integer, allocatable :: atomic_Z(:)
logical :: lmol, lcrys
character(len=2), dimension(109) :: periodic_table = (/ &
& 'H ', 'He', &
& 'Li', 'Be', 'B ', 'C ', 'N ', 'O ', 'F ', 'Ne', &
& 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P ', 'S ', 'Cl', 'Ar', &
& 'K ', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V ', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', &
& 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y ', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I ', 'Xe', &
& 'Cs', 'Ba', &
& 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', &
& 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W ', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', &
& 'Fr', 'Ra', &
& 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U ', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', &
& 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt'/)
allocate (atomic_Z(num_species), stat=ierr)
if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_error('Error: allocating atomic_Z in wannier_plot')
lmol = .false.
lcrys = .false.
if (index(wannier_plot_mode, 'mol') > 0) lmol = .true. ! molecule mode
if (index(wannier_plot_mode, 'crys') > 0) lcrys = .true. ! crystal mode
val_Q = 1.0_dp ! dummy value for cube file
! Assign atomic numbers to species
max_elements = size(periodic_table)
do isp = 1, num_species
do iname = 1, max_elements
if (atoms_symbol(isp) .eq. periodic_table(iname)) then
atomic_Z(isp) = iname
end do
202 format(a, '_', i5.5, '.cube')
! Lengths of real and reciprocal lattice vectors
do i = 1, 3
moda(i) = sqrt(real_lattice(i, 1)*real_lattice(i, 1) &
+ real_lattice(i, 2)*real_lattice(i, 2) &
+ real_lattice(i, 3)*real_lattice(i, 3))
modb(i) = sqrt(recip_lattice(i, 1)*recip_lattice(i, 1) &
+ recip_lattice(i, 2)*recip_lattice(i, 2) &
+ recip_lattice(i, 3)*recip_lattice(i, 3))
! Grid spacing in each lattice direction
dgrid(1) = moda(1)/ngx; dgrid(2) = moda(2)/ngy; dgrid(3) = moda(3)/ngz
! Find "centre of mass" of atomic positions (in fractional coordinates)
comf(:) = 0.0_dp
do isp = 1, num_species
do iat = 1, atoms_species_num(isp)
comf(:) = comf(:) + atoms_pos_frac(:, iat, isp)
comf(:) = comf(:)/num_atoms
! Loop over WFs
do loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
wann_index = wannier_plot_list(loop_w)
write (wancube, 202) trim(seedname), wann_index
! Find start and end of cube wrt simulation (home) cell origin
do i = 1, 3
! ... in terms of distance along each lattice vector direction i
rstart(i) = (wannier_centres(1, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 1) &
+ wannier_centres(2, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 2) &
+ wannier_centres(3, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 3))*moda(i)/twopi &
- twopi*wannier_plot_radius/(moda(i)*modb(i))
rend(i) = (wannier_centres(1, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 1) &
+ wannier_centres(2, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 2) &
+ wannier_centres(3, wann_index)*recip_lattice(i, 3))*moda(i)/twopi &
+ twopi*wannier_plot_radius/(moda(i)*modb(i))
rlength(:) = rend(:) - rstart(:)
ilength(:) = ceiling(rlength(:)/dgrid(:))
! ... in terms of integer gridpoints along each lattice vector direction i
istart(:) = floor(rstart(:)/dgrid(:)) + 1
iend(:) = istart(:) + ilength(:) - 1
! Origin of cube wrt simulation (home) cell in Cartesian co-ordinates
do i = 1, 3
orig(i) = real(istart(1) - 1, dp)*dgrid(1)*real_lattice(1, i)/moda(1) &
+ real(istart(2) - 1, dp)*dgrid(2)*real_lattice(2, i)/moda(2) &
+ real(istart(3) - 1, dp)*dgrid(3)*real_lattice(3, i)/moda(3)
! Debugging
if (iprint > 3) then
write (stdout, '(a,i12)') 'loop_w =', loop_w
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'comf =', (comf(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'ngi =', ngx, ngy, ngz
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'dgrid =', (dgrid(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rstart =', (rstart(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rend =', (rend(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rlength =', (rlength(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'istart =', (istart(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'iend =', (iend(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'ilength =', (ilength(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'orig =', (orig(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'wann_cen=', (wannier_centres(i, wann_index), i=1, 3)
allocate (wann_cube(1:ilength(1), 1:ilength(2), 1:ilength(3)), stat=ierr)
if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_error('Error: allocating wann_cube in wannier_plot')
! initialise
wann_cube = 0.0_dp
do nzz = 1, ilength(3)
qzz = nzz + istart(3) - 1
izz = int((abs(qzz) - 1)/ngz)
! if ( qzz=qzz+izz*ngz
! if (*ngz-1) then
if (qzz .lt. (-((ngs(3))/2)*ngz)) qzz = qzz + izz*ngz
if (qzz .gt. ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1) then
write (stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
write (stdout, *) ' (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
write (stdout, *) ' (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
write (stdout, *) ' (3) set wannier_plot_format=xcrysden'
call io_error('Error plotting WF cube.')
do nyy = 1, ilength(2)
qyy = nyy + istart(2) - 1
iyy = int((abs(qyy) - 1)/ngy)
! if ( qyy=qyy+iyy*ngy
! if (*ngy-1) then
if (qyy .lt. (-((ngs(2))/2)*ngy)) qyy = qyy + iyy*ngy
if (qyy .gt. ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1) then
write (stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
write (stdout, *) ' (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
write (stdout, *) ' (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
write (stdout, *) ' (3) set wannier_plot_format=xcrysden'
call io_error('Error plotting WF cube.')
do nxx = 1, ilength(1)
qxx = nxx + istart(1) - 1
ixx = int((abs(qxx) - 1)/ngx)
! if ( qxx=qxx+ixx*ngx
! if (*ngx-1) then
if (qxx .lt. (-((ngs(1))/2)*ngx)) qxx = qxx + ixx*ngx
if (qxx .gt. ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1) then
write (stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
write (stdout, *) ' (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
write (stdout, *) ' (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
write (stdout, *) ' (3) set wannier_plot_format=xcrysden'
call io_error('Error plotting WF cube.')
wann_cube(nxx, nyy, nzz) = real(wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, loop_w), dp)
! WF centre in fractional coordinates
call utility_cart_to_frac(wannier_centres(:, wann_index), wcf(:), recip_lattice)
! The vector (in fractional coordinates) from WF centre to "centre of mass"
diff(:) = comf(:) - wcf(:)
! Corresponding nearest cell vector
irdiff(:) = nint(diff(:))
if (iprint > 3) then
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'wcf =', (wcf(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'diff =', (diff(i), i=1, 3)
write (stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'irdiff =', (irdiff(i), i=1, 3)
if (lmol) then ! In "molecule mode" translate origin of cube to bring it in coincidence with the atomic positions
orig(:) = orig(:) + real(irdiff(1), kind=dp)*real_lattice(1, :) &
+ real(irdiff(2), kind=dp)*real_lattice(2, :) &
+ real(irdiff(3), kind=dp)*real_lattice(3, :)
if (iprint > 3) write (stdout, '(a,3f12.6,/)') 'orig-new=', (orig(i), i=1, 3)
else ! In "crystal mode" count number of atoms within a given radius of wannier centre
icount = 0
do isp = 1, num_species
do iat = 1, atoms_species_num(isp)
do nzz = -ngs(3)/2, (ngs(3) + 1)/2
do nyy = -ngs(2)/2, (ngs(2) + 1)/2
do nxx = -ngs(1)/2, (ngs(1) + 1)/2
diff(:) = atoms_pos_frac(:, iat, isp) - wcf(:) &
+ (/real(nxx, kind=dp), real(nyy, kind=dp), real(nzz, kind=dp)/)
call utility_frac_to_cart(diff, difc, real_lattice)
dist = sqrt(difc(1)*difc(1) + difc(2)*difc(2) + difc(3)*difc(3))
if (dist .le. (wannier_plot_scale*wannier_plot_radius)) then
icount = icount + 1
enddo ! iat
enddo ! isp
if (iprint > 3) write (stdout, '(a,i12)') 'icount =', icount
! Write cube file (everything in Bohr)
file_unit = io_file_unit()
open (unit=file_unit, file=trim(wancube), form='formatted', status='unknown')
! First two lines are comments
write (file_unit, *) ' Generated by Wannier90 code'
write (file_unit, *) ' On ', cdate, ' at ', ctime
! Number of atoms, origin of cube (Cartesians) wrt simulation (home) cell
if (lmol) then
write (file_unit, '(i4,3f13.5)') num_atoms, orig(1)/bohr, orig(2)/bohr, orig(3)/bohr
write (file_unit, '(i4,3f13.5)') icount, orig(1)/bohr, orig(2)/bohr, orig(3)/bohr
! Number of grid points in each direction, lattice vector
write (file_unit, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(1), real_lattice(1, 1)/(real(ngx, dp)*bohr), &
real_lattice(1, 2)/(real(ngy, dp)*bohr), real_lattice(1, 3)/(real(ngz, dp)*bohr)
write (file_unit, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(2), real_lattice(2, 1)/(real(ngx, dp)*bohr), &
real_lattice(2, 2)/(real(ngy, dp)*bohr), real_lattice(2, 3)/(real(ngz, dp)*bohr)
write (file_unit, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(3), real_lattice(3, 1)/(real(ngx, dp)*bohr), &
real_lattice(3, 2)/(real(ngy, dp)*bohr), real_lattice(3, 3)/(real(ngz, dp)*bohr)
! Atomic number, valence charge, position of atom
! do isp=1,num_species
! do iat=1,atoms_species_num(isp)
! write(file_unit,'(i4,4f13.5)') atomic_Z(isp), val_Q, (atoms_pos_cart(i,iat,isp)/bohr,i=1,3)
! end do
! end do
do isp = 1, num_species
do iat = 1, atoms_species_num(isp)
if (lmol) then ! In "molecule mode", write atomic coordinates as they appear in input file
write (file_unit, '(i4,4f13.5)') atomic_Z(isp), val_Q, (atoms_pos_cart(i, iat, isp)/bohr, i=1, 3)
else ! In "crystal mode", write atoms in supercell within a given radius of Wannier centre
do nzz = -ngs(3)/2, (ngs(3) + 1)/2
do nyy = -ngs(2)/2, (ngs(2) + 1)/2
do nxx = -ngs(1)/2, (ngs(1) + 1)/2
diff(:) = atoms_pos_frac(:, iat, isp) - wcf(:) &
+ (/real(nxx, kind=dp), real(nyy, kind=dp), real(nzz, kind=dp)/)
call utility_frac_to_cart(diff, difc, real_lattice)
dist = sqrt(difc(1)*difc(1) + difc(2)*difc(2) + difc(3)*difc(3))
if (dist .le. (wannier_plot_scale*wannier_plot_radius)) then
diff(:) = atoms_pos_frac(:, iat, isp) &
+ (/real(nxx, kind=dp), real(nyy, kind=dp), real(nzz, kind=dp)/)
call utility_frac_to_cart(diff, difc, real_lattice)
write (file_unit, '(i4,4f13.5)') atomic_Z(isp), val_Q, (difc(i)/bohr, i=1, 3)
enddo ! iat
enddo ! isp
! Volumetric data in batches of 6 values per line, 'z'-direction first.
do nxx = 1, ilength(1)
do nyy = 1, ilength(2)
do nzz = 1, ilength(3)
write (file_unit, '(E13.5)', advance='no') wann_cube(nxx, nyy, nzz)
if ((mod(nzz, 6) .eq. 0) .or. (nzz .eq. ilength(3))) write (file_unit, '(a)') ''
deallocate (wann_cube, stat=ierr)
if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_error('Error: deallocating wann_cube in wannier_plot')
end do
deallocate (atomic_Z, stat=ierr)
if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_error('Error: deallocating atomic_Z in wannier_plot')
end subroutine internal_cube_format
subroutine internal_xsf_format()
implicit none
201 format(a, '_', i5.5, '.xsf')
! this is to create the WF...xsf output, to be read by XCrySDen
! (coordinates + isosurfaces)
x_0ang = -real(((ngs(1))/2)*ngx + 1, dp)/real(ngx, dp)*real_lattice(1, 1) - &
real(((ngs(2))/2)*ngy + 1, dp)/real(ngy, dp)*real_lattice(2, 1) - &
real(((ngs(3))/2)*ngz + 1, dp)/real(ngz, dp)*real_lattice(3, 1)
y_0ang = -real(((ngs(1))/2)*ngx + 1, dp)/real(ngx, dp)*real_lattice(1, 2) - &
real(((ngs(2))/2)*ngy + 1, dp)/real(ngy, dp)*real_lattice(2, 2) - &
real(((ngs(3))/2)*ngz + 1, dp)/real(ngz, dp)*real_lattice(3, 2)
z_0ang = -real(((ngs(1))/2)*ngx + 1, dp)/real(ngx, dp)*real_lattice(1, 3) - &
real(((ngs(2))/2)*ngy + 1, dp)/real(ngy, dp)*real_lattice(2, 3) - &
real(((ngs(3))/2)*ngz + 1, dp)/real(ngz, dp)*real_lattice(3, 3)
fxcry(1) = real(ngs(1)*ngx - 1, dp)/real(ngx, dp)
fxcry(2) = real(ngs(2)*ngy - 1, dp)/real(ngy, dp)
fxcry(3) = real(ngs(3)*ngz - 1, dp)/real(ngz, dp)
do j = 1, 3
dirl(:, j) = fxcry(:)*real_lattice(:, j)
end do
do loop_b = 1, num_wannier_plot
write (wanxsf, 201) trim(seedname), wannier_plot_list(loop_b)
file_unit = io_file_unit()
open (unit=file_unit, file=trim(wanxsf), form='formatted', status='unknown')
write (file_unit, *) ' #'
write (file_unit, *) ' # Generated by the Wannier90 code'
write (file_unit, *) ' # On ', cdate, ' at ', ctime
write (file_unit, *) ' #'
! should pass this into the code
if (index(wannier_plot_mode, 'mol') > 0) then
write (file_unit, '("ATOMS")')
write (file_unit, '("CRYSTAL")')
write (file_unit, '("PRIMVEC")')
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(1, 1), real_lattice(1, 2), real_lattice(1, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(2, 1), real_lattice(2, 2), real_lattice(2, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(3, 1), real_lattice(3, 2), real_lattice(3, 3)
write (file_unit, '("CONVVEC")')
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(1, 1), real_lattice(1, 2), real_lattice(1, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(2, 1), real_lattice(2, 2), real_lattice(2, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') real_lattice(3, 1), real_lattice(3, 2), real_lattice(3, 3)
write (file_unit, '("PRIMCOORD")')
write (file_unit, '(i6," 1")') num_atoms
do nsp = 1, num_species
do nat = 1, atoms_species_num(nsp)
write (file_unit, '(a2,3x,3f12.7)') atoms_symbol(nsp), (atoms_pos_cart(i, nat, nsp), i=1, 3)
end do
end do
write (file_unit, '(/)')
write (file_unit, '("BEGIN_BLOCK_DATAGRID_3D",/,"3D_field",/, "BEGIN_DATAGRID_3D_UNKNOWN")')
write (file_unit, '(3i6)') ngs(1)*ngx, ngs(2)*ngy, ngs(3)*ngz
write (file_unit, '(3f12.6)') x_0ang, y_0ang, z_0ang
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') dirl(1, 1), dirl(1, 2), dirl(1, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') dirl(2, 1), dirl(2, 2), dirl(2, 3)
write (file_unit, '(3f12.7)') dirl(3, 1), dirl(3, 2), dirl(3, 3)
write (file_unit, '(6e13.5)') &
(((real(wann_func(nx, ny, nz, loop_b)), nx=-((ngs(1))/2)*ngx, ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1), &
ny=-((ngs(2))/2)*ngy, ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1), nz=-((ngs(3))/2)*ngz, ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1)
write (file_unit, '("END_DATAGRID_3D",/, "END_BLOCK_DATAGRID_3D")')
close (file_unit)
end do
end subroutine internal_xsf_format
end subroutine plot_wannier