Convert a few things to uppercase to look nice in the output
subroutine param_uppercase
! !
!! Convert a few things to uppercase to look nice in the output
! !
implicit none
integer :: nsp, ic, loop, inner_loop
! Atom labels (eg, si --> Si)
do nsp = 1, num_species
ic = ichar(atoms_label(nsp) (1:1))
if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
atoms_label(nsp) (1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
do nsp = 1, num_species
ic = ichar(atoms_symbol(nsp) (1:1))
if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
atoms_symbol(nsp) (1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
! Bands labels (eg, x --> X)
do loop = 1, bands_num_spec_points
do inner_loop = 1, len(bands_label(loop))
ic = ichar(bands_label(loop) (inner_loop:inner_loop))
if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
bands_label(loop) (inner_loop:inner_loop) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
! Length unit (ang --> Ang, bohr --> Bohr)
ic = ichar(length_unit(1:1))
if ((ic .ge. ichar('a')) .and. (ic .le. ichar('z'))) &
length_unit(1:1) = char(ic + ichar('Z') - ichar('z'))
end subroutine param_uppercase