param_get_smearing_type Function

public function param_get_smearing_type(smearing_index)

This function returns a string describing the type of smearing associated to a given smr_index integer value.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: smearing_index

The integer index for which we want to get the string

Return Value character(len=80)

Called by

proc~~param_get_smearing_type~~CalledByGraph proc~param_get_smearing_type param_get_smearing_type proc~param_postw90_write param_postw90_write proc~param_postw90_write->proc~param_get_smearing_type proc~calctdfanddos calcTDFandDOS proc~calctdfanddos->proc~param_get_smearing_type proc~boltzwann_main boltzwann_main proc~boltzwann_main->proc~calctdfanddos program~postw90 postw90 program~postw90->proc~param_postw90_write


Source Code

  function param_get_smearing_type(smearing_index)
    !! This function returns a string describing the type of smearing
    !! associated to a given smr_index integer value.
    integer, intent(in) :: smearing_index
    !! The integer index for which we want to get the string
    character(len=80)   :: param_get_smearing_type

    character(len=4)   :: orderstr

    if (smearing_index > 0) then
      write (orderstr, '(I0)') smearing_index
      param_get_smearing_type = "Methfessel-Paxton of order "//trim(orderstr)
    else if (smearing_index .eq. 0) then
      param_get_smearing_type = "Gaussian"
    else if (smearing_index .eq. -1) then
      param_get_smearing_type = "Marzari-Vanderbilt cold smearing"
    else if (smearing_index .eq. -99) then
      param_get_smearing_type = "Fermi-Dirac smearing"
      param_get_smearing_type = "Unknown type of smearing"
    end if

  end function param_get_smearing_type