param_get_projections Subroutine

private subroutine param_get_projections(num_proj, lcount)


  • proc~~param_get_projections~~UsesGraph proc~param_get_projections param_get_projections module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~param_get_projections->module~w90_constants module~w90_utility w90_utility proc~param_get_projections->module~w90_utility module~w90_io w90_io proc~param_get_projections->module~w90_io module~w90_utility->module~w90_constants module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

Fills the projection data block


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(inout) :: num_proj
logical, intent(in) :: lcount


proc~~param_get_projections~~CallsGraph proc~param_get_projections param_get_projections proc~utility_strip utility_strip proc~param_get_projections->proc~utility_strip proc~io_error io_error proc~param_get_projections->proc~io_error proc~utility_string_to_coord utility_string_to_coord proc~param_get_projections->proc~utility_string_to_coord

Called by

proc~~param_get_projections~~CalledByGraph proc~param_get_projections param_get_projections proc~param_read param_read proc~param_read->proc~param_get_projections program~wannier wannier program~wannier->proc~param_read proc~wannier_run wannier_run proc~wannier_run->proc~param_read proc~wannier_setup wannier_setup proc~wannier_setup->proc~param_read program~postw90 postw90 program~postw90->proc~param_read


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine param_get_projections(num_proj, lcount)
    !                                   !
    !!  Fills the projection data block
    !                                   !

    use w90_constants, only: bohr, eps6, eps2
    use w90_utility, only: utility_cart_to_frac, &
      utility_string_to_coord, utility_strip
    use w90_io, only: io_error

    implicit none

    integer, intent(inout) :: num_proj
    logical, intent(in)    :: lcount

    real(kind=dp)     :: pos_frac(3)
    real(kind=dp)     :: pos_cart(3)
    character(len=20) :: keyword
    integer           :: in, ins, ine, loop, line_e, line_s, counter
    integer           :: sites, species, line, pos1, pos2, pos3, m_tmp, l_tmp, mstate
    integer           :: loop_l, loop_m, loop_sites, ierr, loop_s, spn_counter
    logical           :: found_e, found_s
    character(len=maxlen) :: dummy, end_st, start_st
    character(len=maxlen) :: ctemp, ctemp2, ctemp3, ctemp4, ctemp5, m_string
    integer, parameter :: min_l = -5
    integer, parameter :: max_l = 3
    integer, parameter :: min_m = 1
    integer, parameter :: max_m = 7
    integer            :: ang_states(min_m:max_m, min_l:max_l)
    ! default values for the optional part of the projection definitions
    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_z_def(3) = (/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/)
    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_x_def(3) = (/1.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/)
    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_s_qaxis_def(3) = (/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 1.0_dp/)
    real(kind=dp), parameter :: proj_zona_def = 1.0_dp
    integer, parameter       :: proj_radial_def = 1
    real(kind=dp) :: proj_z_tmp(3)
    real(kind=dp) :: proj_x_tmp(3)
    real(kind=dp) :: proj_s_qaxis_tmp(3)
    real(kind=dp) :: proj_zona_tmp
    integer       :: proj_radial_tmp
    logical       :: lconvert, lrandom, proj_u_tmp, proj_d_tmp
    logical       :: lpartrandom
    real(kind=dp) :: xnorm, znorm, cosphi, sinphi, xnorm_new, cosphi_new

    keyword = "projections"

    found_s = .false.
    found_e = .false.

    start_st = 'begin '//trim(keyword)
    end_st = 'end '//trim(keyword)

!     if(spinors) num_proj=num_wann/2

    if (.not. lcount) then
      allocate (input_proj_site(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_site in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_l(num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_l in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_m(num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_m in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_z(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_z in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_x(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_x in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_radial(num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_radial in param_get_projections')
      allocate (input_proj_zona(num_proj), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_zona in param_get_projections')
      if (spinors) then
        allocate (input_proj_s(num_proj), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_s in param_get_projections')
        allocate (input_proj_s_qaxis(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_s_qaxis in param_get_projections')

      allocate (proj_site(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_site in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_l(num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_l in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_m(num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_m in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_z(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_z in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_x(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_x in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_radial(num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_radial in param_get_projections')
      allocate (proj_zona(num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_zona in param_get_projections')
      if (spinors) then
        allocate (proj_s(num_wann), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_s in param_get_projections')
        allocate (proj_s_qaxis(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_s_qaxis in param_get_projections')

    do loop = 1, num_lines
      ins = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
      if (ins == 0) cycle
      in = index(in_data(loop), 'begin')
      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
      line_s = loop
      if (found_s) then
        call io_error('Error: Found '//trim(start_st)//' more than once in input file')
      found_s = .true.
    end do

    do loop = 1, num_lines
      ine = index(in_data(loop), trim(keyword))
      if (ine == 0) cycle
      in = index(in_data(loop), 'end')
      if (in == 0 .or. in > 1) cycle
      line_e = loop
      if (found_e) then
        call io_error('param_get_projections: Found '//trim(end_st)//' more than once in input file')
      found_e = .true.
    end do

    if (.not. found_e) then
      call io_error('param_get_projections: Found '//trim(start_st)//' but no '//trim(end_st)//' in input file')
    end if

    if (line_e <= line_s) then
      call io_error('param_get_projections: '//trim(end_st)//' comes before '//trim(start_st)//' in input file')
    end if

    dummy = in_data(line_s + 1)
    lconvert = .false.
    lrandom = .false.
    lpartrandom = .false.
    if (index(dummy, 'ang') .ne. 0) then
      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
      line_s = line_s + 1
    elseif (index(dummy, 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
      line_s = line_s + 1
      lconvert = .true.
    elseif (index(dummy, 'random') .ne. 0) then
      if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
      line_s = line_s + 1
      if (index(in_data(line_s + 1), end_st) .ne. 0) then
        lrandom = .true.     ! all projections random
        lpartrandom = .true. ! only some projections random
        if (index(in_data(line_s + 1), 'ang') .ne. 0) then
          if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
          line_s = line_s + 1
        elseif (index(in_data(line_s + 1), 'bohr') .ne. 0) then
          if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s) (1:maxlen) = ' '
          line_s = line_s + 1
          lconvert = .true.

    counter = 0
    if (.not. lrandom) then
      do line = line_s + 1, line_e - 1
        ang_states = 0
        !Assume the default values
        proj_z_tmp = proj_z_def
        proj_x_tmp = proj_x_def
        proj_zona_tmp = proj_zona_def
        proj_radial_tmp = proj_radial_def
        if (spinors) then
          proj_s_qaxis_tmp = proj_s_qaxis_def
          spn_counter = 2
          proj_u_tmp = .true.
          proj_d_tmp = .true.
          spn_counter = 1
        ! Strip input line of all spaces
        dummy = utility_strip(in_data(line))
        dummy = adjustl(dummy)
        pos1 = index(dummy, ':')
        if (pos1 == 0) &
          call io_error('param_read_projection: malformed projection definition: '//trim(dummy))
        sites = 0
        ctemp = dummy(:pos1 - 1)
        ! Read the atomic site
        if (index(ctemp, 'c=') > 0) then
          sites = -1
          ctemp = ctemp(3:)
          call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, pos_cart)
          if (lconvert) pos_cart = pos_cart*bohr
          call utility_cart_to_frac(pos_cart(:), pos_frac(:), recip_lattice)
        elseif (index(ctemp, 'f=') > 0) then
          sites = -1
          ctemp = ctemp(3:)
          call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, pos_frac)
          if (num_species == 0) &
            call io_error('param_get_projection: Atom centred projection requested but no atoms defined')
          do loop = 1, num_species
            if (trim(ctemp) == atoms_label(loop)) then
              species = loop
              sites = atoms_species_num(loop)
            end if
            if (loop == num_species) call io_error('param_get_projection: Atom site not recognised '//trim(ctemp))
          end do
        end if

        dummy = dummy(pos1 + 1:)

        ! scan for quantisation direction
        pos1 = index(dummy, '[')
        if (spinors) then
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 1:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ']')
            if (pos2 == 0) call io_error &
              ('param_get_projections: no closing square bracket for spin quantisation dir')
            ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_s_qaxis_tmp)
            dummy = dummy(:pos1 - 1) ! remove [ ] section
          if (pos1 > 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: spin qdir is defined but spinors=.false.')

        ! scan for up or down
        pos1 = index(dummy, '(')
        if (spinors) then
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            proj_u_tmp = .false.; proj_d_tmp = .false.
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 1:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ')')
            if (pos2 == 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: no closing bracket for spin')
            ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            if (index(ctemp, 'u') > 0) proj_u_tmp = .true.
            if (index(ctemp, 'd') > 0) proj_d_tmp = .true.
            if (proj_u_tmp .and. proj_d_tmp) then
              spn_counter = 2
            elseif (.not. proj_u_tmp .and. .not. proj_d_tmp) then
              call io_error('param_get_projections: found brackets but neither u or d')
              spn_counter = 1
            dummy = dummy(:pos1 - 1) ! remove ( ) section
          if (pos1 > 0) call io_error('param_get_projections: spin is defined but spinors=.false.')

        !Now we know the sites for this line. Get the angular momentum states
        pos1 = index(dummy, ':')
        if (pos1 > 0) then
          ctemp = dummy(:pos1 - 1)
          ctemp = dummy
        end if
        ctemp2 = ctemp
          pos2 = index(ctemp2, ';')
          if (pos2 == 0) then
            ctemp3 = ctemp2
            ctemp3 = ctemp2(:pos2 - 1)
          if (index(ctemp3, 'l=') == 1) then
            mstate = index(ctemp3, ',')
            if (mstate > 0) then
              read (ctemp3(3:mstate - 1), *, err=101, end=101) l_tmp
              read (ctemp3(3:), *, err=101, end=101) l_tmp
            end if
            if (l_tmp < -5 .or. l_tmp > 3) call io_error('param_get_projection: Incorrect l state requested')
            if (mstate == 0) then
              if (l_tmp >= 0) then
                do loop_m = 1, 2*l_tmp + 1
                  ang_states(loop_m, l_tmp) = 1
                end do
              elseif (l_tmp == -1) then !sp
                ang_states(1:2, l_tmp) = 1
              elseif (l_tmp == -2) then !sp2
                ang_states(1:3, l_tmp) = 1
              elseif (l_tmp == -3) then !sp3
                ang_states(1:4, l_tmp) = 1
              elseif (l_tmp == -4) then !sp3d
                ang_states(1:5, l_tmp) = 1
              elseif (l_tmp == -5) then !sp3d2
                ang_states(1:6, l_tmp) = 1
              if (index(ctemp3, 'mr=') /= mstate + 1) &
                call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state')
              ctemp4 = ctemp3(mstate + 4:)
                pos3 = index(ctemp4, ',')
                if (pos3 == 0) then
                  ctemp5 = ctemp4
                  ctemp5 = ctemp4(:pos3 - 1)
                read (ctemp5(1:), *, err=102, end=102) m_tmp
                if (l_tmp >= 0) then
                  if ((m_tmp > 2*l_tmp + 1) .or. (m_tmp <= 0)) call io_error('param_get_projection: m is > l !')
                elseif (l_tmp == -1 .and. (m_tmp > 2 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (1)')
                elseif (l_tmp == -2 .and. (m_tmp > 3 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (2)')
                elseif (l_tmp == -3 .and. (m_tmp > 4 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (3)')
                elseif (l_tmp == -4 .and. (m_tmp > 5 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (4)')
                elseif (l_tmp == -5 .and. (m_tmp > 6 .or. m_tmp <= 0)) then
                  call io_error('param_get_projection: m has incorrect value (5)')
                ang_states(m_tmp, l_tmp) = 1
                if (pos3 == 0) exit
                ctemp4 = ctemp4(pos3 + 1:)
            end if
              pos3 = index(ctemp3, ',')
              if (pos3 == 0) then
                ctemp4 = ctemp3
                ctemp4 = ctemp3(:pos3 - 1)
              read (ctemp4(1:), *, err=106, end=106) m_string
              select case (trim(adjustl(m_string)))
              case ('s')
                ang_states(1, 0) = 1
              case ('p')
                ang_states(1:3, 1) = 1
              case ('pz')
                ang_states(1, 1) = 1
              case ('px')
                ang_states(2, 1) = 1
              case ('py')
                ang_states(3, 1) = 1
              case ('d')
                ang_states(1:5, 2) = 1
              case ('dz2')
                ang_states(1, 2) = 1
              case ('dxz')
                ang_states(2, 2) = 1
              case ('dyz')
                ang_states(3, 2) = 1
              case ('dx2-y2')
                ang_states(4, 2) = 1
              case ('dxy')
                ang_states(5, 2) = 1
              case ('f')
                ang_states(1:7, 3) = 1
              case ('fz3')
                ang_states(1, 3) = 1
              case ('fxz2')
                ang_states(2, 3) = 1
              case ('fyz2')
                ang_states(3, 3) = 1
              case ('fxyz')
                ang_states(4, 3) = 1
              case ('fz(x2-y2)')
                ang_states(5, 3) = 1
              case ('fx(x2-3y2)')
                ang_states(6, 3) = 1
              case ('fy(3x2-y2)')
                ang_states(7, 3) = 1
              case ('sp')
                ang_states(1:2, -1) = 1
              case ('sp-1')
                ang_states(1, -1) = 1
              case ('sp-2')
                ang_states(2, -1) = 1
              case ('sp2')
                ang_states(1:3, -2) = 1
              case ('sp2-1')
                ang_states(1, -2) = 1
              case ('sp2-2')
                ang_states(2, -2) = 1
              case ('sp2-3')
                ang_states(3, -2) = 1
              case ('sp3')
                ang_states(1:4, -3) = 1
              case ('sp3-1')
                ang_states(1, -3) = 1
              case ('sp3-2')
                ang_states(2, -3) = 1
              case ('sp3-3')
                ang_states(3, -3) = 1
              case ('sp3-4')
                ang_states(4, -3) = 1
              case ('sp3d')
                ang_states(1:5, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d-1')
                ang_states(1, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d-2')
                ang_states(2, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d-3')
                ang_states(3, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d-4')
                ang_states(4, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d-5')
                ang_states(5, -4) = 1
              case ('sp3d2')
                ang_states(1:6, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-1')
                ang_states(1, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-2')
                ang_states(2, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-3')
                ang_states(3, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-4')
                ang_states(4, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-5')
                ang_states(5, -5) = 1
              case ('sp3d2-6')
                ang_states(6, -5) = 1
              case default
                call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading l state '//trim(ctemp3))
              end select
              if (pos3 == 0) exit
              ctemp3 = ctemp3(pos3 + 1:)
          if (pos2 == 0) exit
          ctemp2 = ctemp2(pos2 + 1:)
        ! check for non-default values
        if (pos1 > 0) then
          dummy = dummy(pos1 + 1:)
          ! z axis
          pos1 = index(dummy, 'z=')
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_z_tmp)
          ! x axis
          pos1 = index(dummy, 'x=')
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            call utility_string_to_coord(ctemp, proj_x_tmp)
          ! diffusivity of orbital
          pos1 = index(dummy, 'zona=')
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 5:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            read (ctemp, *, err=104, end=104) proj_zona_tmp
          ! nodes for the radial part
          pos1 = index(dummy, 'r=')
          if (pos1 > 0) then
            ctemp = (dummy(pos1 + 2:))
            pos2 = index(ctemp, ':')
            if (pos2 > 0) ctemp = ctemp(:pos2 - 1)
            read (ctemp, *, err=105, end=105) proj_radial_tmp
        end if
        ! if (sites == -1) then
        !   if (counter + spn_counter*sum(ang_states) > num_proj) &
        !     call io_error('param_get_projection: too many projections defined')
        ! else
        !   if (counter + spn_counter*sites*sum(ang_states) > num_proj) &
        !     call io_error('param_get_projection: too many projections defined')
        ! end if
        if (sites == -1) then
          do loop_l = min_l, max_l
            do loop_m = min_m, max_m
              if (ang_states(loop_m, loop_l) == 1) then
                do loop_s = 1, spn_counter
                  counter = counter + 1
                  if (lcount) cycle
                  input_proj_site(:, counter) = pos_frac
                  input_proj_l(counter) = loop_l
                  input_proj_m(counter) = loop_m
                  input_proj_z(:, counter) = proj_z_tmp
                  input_proj_x(:, counter) = proj_x_tmp
                  input_proj_radial(counter) = proj_radial_tmp
                  input_proj_zona(counter) = proj_zona_tmp
                  if (spinors) then
                    if (spn_counter == 1) then
                      if (proj_u_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
                      if (proj_d_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
                      if (loop_s == 1) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
                      if (loop_s == 2) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
                    input_proj_s_qaxis(:, counter) = proj_s_qaxis_tmp
                end do
            end do
          end do
          do loop_sites = 1, sites
            do loop_l = min_l, max_l
              do loop_m = min_m, max_m
                if (ang_states(loop_m, loop_l) == 1) then
                  do loop_s = 1, spn_counter
                    counter = counter + 1
                    if (lcount) cycle
                    input_proj_site(:, counter) = atoms_pos_frac(:, loop_sites, species)
                    input_proj_l(counter) = loop_l
                    input_proj_m(counter) = loop_m
                    input_proj_z(:, counter) = proj_z_tmp
                    input_proj_x(:, counter) = proj_x_tmp
                    input_proj_radial(counter) = proj_radial_tmp
                    input_proj_zona(counter) = proj_zona_tmp
                    if (spinors) then
                      if (spn_counter == 1) then
                        if (proj_u_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
                        if (proj_d_tmp) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
                        if (loop_s == 1) input_proj_s(counter) = 1
                        if (loop_s == 2) input_proj_s(counter) = -1
                      input_proj_s_qaxis(:, counter) = proj_s_qaxis_tmp
                  end do
                end if
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end if

      end do !end loop over projection block

      ! check there are enough projections and add random projections if required
      if (.not. lpartrandom) then
        if (counter .lt. num_wann) call io_error( &
          'param_get_projections: too few projection functions defined')
      end if
    end if ! .not. lrandom

    if (lcount) then
      if (counter .lt. num_wann) then
        num_proj = num_wann
        num_proj = counter

    if (lpartrandom .or. lrandom) then
      call random_seed()  ! comment out this line for reproducible random positions!
      do loop = counter + 1, num_wann
        call random_number(input_proj_site(:, loop))
        input_proj_l(loop) = 0
        input_proj_m(loop) = 1
        input_proj_z(:, loop) = proj_z_def
        input_proj_x(:, loop) = proj_x_def
        input_proj_zona(loop) = proj_zona_def
        input_proj_radial(loop) = proj_radial_def
        if (spinors) then
          if (modulo(loop, 2) == 1) then
            input_proj_s(loop) = 1
            input_proj_s(loop) = -1
          end if
          input_proj_s_qaxis(1, loop) = 0.
          input_proj_s_qaxis(2, loop) = 0.
          input_proj_s_qaxis(3, loop) = 1.
        end if

    ! I shouldn't get here, but just in case
    if (.not. lcount) in_data(line_s:line_e) (1:maxlen) = ' '

!~     ! Check
!~     do loop=1,num_wann
!~        if ( abs(sum(proj_z(:,loop)*proj_x(:,loop))).gt.1.0e-6_dp ) then
!~           write(stdout,*) ' Projection:',loop
!~           call io_error(' Error in projections: z and x axes are not orthogonal')
!~        endif
!~     enddo

    ! Normalise z-axis and x-axis and check/fix orthogonality
    do loop = 1, num_proj

      znorm = sqrt(sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_z(:, loop)))
      xnorm = sqrt(sum(input_proj_x(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop)))
      input_proj_z(:, loop) = input_proj_z(:, loop)/znorm             ! normalise z
      input_proj_x(:, loop) = input_proj_x(:, loop)/xnorm             ! normalise x
      cosphi = sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop))

      ! Check whether z-axis and z-axis are orthogonal
      if (abs(cosphi) .gt. eps6) then

        ! Special case of circularly symmetric projections (pz, dz2, fz3)
        ! just choose an x-axis that is perpendicular to the given z-axis
        if ((input_proj_l(loop) .ge. 0) .and. (input_proj_m(loop) .eq. 1)) then
          proj_x_tmp(:) = input_proj_x(:, loop)            ! copy of original x-axis
          call random_seed()
          call random_number(proj_z_tmp(:))         ! random vector
          ! calculate new x-axis as the cross (vector) product of random vector with z-axis
          input_proj_x(1, loop) = proj_z_tmp(2)*input_proj_z(3, loop) - proj_z_tmp(3)*input_proj_z(2, loop)
          input_proj_x(2, loop) = proj_z_tmp(3)*input_proj_z(1, loop) - proj_z_tmp(1)*input_proj_z(3, loop)
          input_proj_x(3, loop) = proj_z_tmp(1)*input_proj_z(2, loop) - proj_z_tmp(2)*input_proj_z(1, loop)
          xnorm_new = sqrt(sum(input_proj_x(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop)))
          input_proj_x(:, loop) = input_proj_x(:, loop)/xnorm_new   ! normalise
          goto 555

        ! If projection axes non-orthogonal enough, then
        ! user may have made a mistake and should check
        if (abs(cosphi) .gt. eps2) then
          write (stdout, *) ' Projection:', loop
          call io_error(' Error in projections: z and x axes are not orthogonal')

        ! If projection axes are "reasonably orthogonal", project x-axis
        ! onto plane perpendicular to z-axis to make them more so
        sinphi = sqrt(1 - cosphi*cosphi)
        proj_x_tmp(:) = input_proj_x(:, loop)               ! copy of original x-axis
        ! calculate new x-axis:
        ! x = z \cross (x_tmp \cross z) / sinphi = ( x_tmp - z(z.x_tmp) ) / sinphi
        input_proj_x(:, loop) = (proj_x_tmp(:) - cosphi*input_proj_z(:, loop))/sinphi

        ! Final check
555     cosphi_new = sum(input_proj_z(:, loop)*input_proj_x(:, loop))
        if (abs(cosphi_new) .gt. eps6) then
          write (stdout, *) ' Projection:', loop
          call io_error(' Error: z and x axes are still not orthogonal after projection')



    do loop = 1, num_proj
      if (proj2wann_map(loop) < 0) cycle
      proj_site(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_site(:, loop)
      proj_l(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_l(loop)
      proj_m(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_m(loop)
      proj_z(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_z(:, loop)
      proj_x(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_x(:, loop)
      proj_radial(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_radial(loop)
      proj_zona(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_zona(loop)

    if (spinors) then
      do loop = 1, num_proj
        if (proj2wann_map(loop) < 0) cycle
        proj_s(proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_s(loop)
        proj_s_qaxis(:, proj2wann_map(loop)) = input_proj_s_qaxis(:, loop)


101 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading l state into integer '//trim(ctemp3))
102 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state into integer '//trim(ctemp3))
104 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading zona into real '//trim(ctemp))
105 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading radial state into integer '//trim(ctemp))
106 call io_error('param_get_projection: Problem reading m state into string '//trim(ctemp3))

  end subroutine param_get_projections