Writes nnkp file (list of overlaps needed)
subroutine kmesh_write()
! !
!! Writes nnkp file (list of overlaps needed)
! !
! Note that the format is different to (and more compact than) !
! that used by the old f77 code. !
! !
! The file consists of num_kpts blocks of data, one block for each !
! k-point of the mesh. Each block consists of nntot+1 lines, !
! where nntot is the (integer) number of nearest neighbours !
! belonging to k-point nkp. !
! !
! The first line in each block is just nntot. !
! !
! The second line consists of 5 integers. The first is the k-point !
! nkp. The second to the fifth specify it's nearest neighbours !
! k+b: the second integer points to the k-point that is the !
! periodic image of k+b that we want; the last three integers give !
! the G-vector, in reciprocal lattice units, that brings the !
! k-point specified by the second integer (which is in the first !
! BZ) to the actual k+b that we need. !
! !
! So wannier.nnkp specifies the nearest neighbours of each !
! k-point, and therefore provides the information required to !
! calculate the M_mn(k,b) matrix elements -- Marzari & Vanderbilt !
! PRB 56, 12847 (1997) Eq. (25) -- for each pair of band indices !
! m and n. !
use w90_io, only: io_file_unit, seedname, io_date, io_stopwatch
implicit none
integer :: i, nkp, nn, nnkpout
character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime
if (timing_level > 0) call io_stopwatch('kmesh: write', 1)
nnkpout = io_file_unit()
open (unit=nnkpout, file=trim(seedname)//'.nnkp', form='formatted')
! Date and time
call io_date(cdate, ctime)
write (nnkpout, '(4(a),/)') 'File written on ', cdate, ' at ', ctime
! Calc_only_A
write (nnkpout, '(a,l2,/)') 'calc_only_A : ', calc_only_A
! Real lattice
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin real_lattice'
write (nnkpout, '(3(f12.7))') (real_lattice(1, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(3(f12.7))') (real_lattice(2, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(3(f12.7))') (real_lattice(3, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end real_lattice'
! Reciprocal lattice
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin recip_lattice'
write (nnkpout, '(3f12.7)') (recip_lattice(1, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(3f12.7)') (recip_lattice(2, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(3f12.7)') (recip_lattice(3, i), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end recip_lattice'
! K-points
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin kpoints'
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') num_kpts
do nkp = 1, num_kpts
write (nnkpout, '(3f14.8)') (kpt_latt(i, nkp), i=1, 3)
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end kpoints'
if (spinors) then
! Projections
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin spinor_projections'
if (allocated(input_proj_site)) then
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') num_proj
do i = 1, num_proj
write (nnkpout, '(3(f10.5,1x),2x,3i3)') &
input_proj_site(1, i), input_proj_site(2, i), input_proj_site(3, i), &
input_proj_l(i), input_proj_m(i), input_proj_radial(i)
!~ write(nnkpout,'(3x,3f7.3,1x,3f7.3,1x,f7.2)') &
write (nnkpout, '(2x,3f11.7,1x,3f11.7,1x,f7.2)') &
input_proj_z(1, i), input_proj_z(2, i), input_proj_z(3, i), &
input_proj_x(1, i), input_proj_x(2, i), input_proj_x(3, i), &
write (nnkpout, '(2x,1i3,1x,3f11.7)') &
input_proj_s(i), &
input_proj_s_qaxis(1, i), input_proj_s_qaxis(2, i), input_proj_s_qaxis(3, i)
! No projections
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') 0
end if
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end spinor_projections'
! Projections
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin projections'
if (allocated(input_proj_site)) then
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') num_proj
do i = 1, num_proj
write (nnkpout, '(3(f10.5,1x),2x,3i3)') &
input_proj_site(1, i), input_proj_site(2, i), input_proj_site(3, i), &
input_proj_l(i), input_proj_m(i), input_proj_radial(i)
!~ write(nnkpout,'(3x,3f7.3,1x,3f7.3,1x,f7.2)') &
write (nnkpout, '(2x,3f11.7,1x,3f11.7,1x,f7.2)') &
input_proj_z(1, i), input_proj_z(2, i), input_proj_z(3, i), &
input_proj_x(1, i), input_proj_x(2, i), input_proj_x(3, i), &
! No projections
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') 0
end if
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end projections'
! Info for automatic generation of projections
if (auto_projections) then
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin auto_projections'
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') num_proj
write (nnkpout, '(i6)') 0
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end auto_projections'
end if
! Nearest neighbour k-points
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin nnkpts'
write (nnkpout, '(i4)') nntot
do nkp = 1, num_kpts
do nn = 1, nntot
write (nnkpout, '(2i6,3x,3i4)') &
nkp, nnlist(nkp, nn), (nncell(i, nkp, nn), i=1, 3)
end do
end do
write (nnkpout, '(a/)') 'end nnkpts'
!states to exclude
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'begin exclude_bands'
write (nnkpout, '(i4)') num_exclude_bands
if (num_exclude_bands > 0) then
do i = 1, num_exclude_bands
write (nnkpout, '(i4)') exclude_bands(i)
end do
write (nnkpout, '(a)') 'end exclude_bands'
close (nnkpout)
if (timing_level > 0) call io_stopwatch('kmesh: write', 2)
end subroutine kmesh_write