Write formatted checkpoint file
subroutine conv_write_chkpt()
!! Write formatted checkpoint file
use w90_io, only: io_file_unit, io_date, seedname
use w90_parameters
implicit none
integer :: chk_unit, nkp, i, j, k, l
character(len=9) :: cdate, ctime
write (stdout, '(/1x,3a)', advance='no') 'Writing checkpoint file ', trim(seedname), '.chk...'
chk_unit = io_file_unit()
open (unit=chk_unit, file=trim(seedname)//'.chk', form='unformatted')
write (chk_unit) header ! Date and time from the read file
write (chk_unit) num_bands ! Number of bands
write (chk_unit) num_exclude_bands ! Number of excluded bands
write (chk_unit) (exclude_bands(i), i=1, num_exclude_bands) ! Excluded bands
write (chk_unit) ((real_lattice(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3) ! Real lattice
write (chk_unit) ((recip_lattice(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, 3) ! Reciprocal lattice
write (chk_unit) num_kpts ! Number of k-points
write (chk_unit) (mp_grid(i), i=1, 3) ! M-P grid
write (chk_unit) ((kpt_latt(i, nkp), i=1, 3), nkp=1, num_kpts) ! K-points
write (chk_unit) nntot ! Number of nearest k-point neighbours
write (chk_unit) num_wann ! Number of wannier functions
! Next is correct: it always print out 20 characters
write (chk_unit) checkpoint ! Position of checkpoint
write (chk_unit) have_disentangled ! Whether a disentanglement has been performed
if (have_disentangled) then
write (chk_unit) omega_invariant ! Omega invariant
! lwindow, ndimwin and U_matrix_opt
write (chk_unit) ((lwindow(i, nkp), i=1, num_bands), nkp=1, num_kpts)
write (chk_unit) (ndimwin(nkp), nkp=1, num_kpts)
write (chk_unit) (((u_matrix_opt(i, j, nkp), i=1, num_bands), j=1, num_wann), nkp=1, num_kpts)
write (chk_unit) (((u_matrix(i, j, k), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, num_kpts) ! U_matrix
write (chk_unit) ((((m_matrix(i, j, k, l), i=1, num_wann), j=1, num_wann), k=1, nntot), l=1, num_kpts) ! M_matrix
write (chk_unit) ((wannier_centres(i, j), i=1, 3), j=1, num_wann)
write (chk_unit) (wannier_spreads(i), i=1, num_wann)
close (chk_unit)
write (stdout, '(a/)') ' done'
end subroutine conv_write_chkpt